Ch3. Lesson 1& 3

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Ch3. Lesson 1& 3 by Mind Map: Ch3. Lesson 1& 3

1. The Water Cycle

2. Organic Compounds: Compounds containing carbon atoms and usually hydrogen atoms jointed by covalent bonds

2.1. The air made up of Co2.

3. Inorganic compounds: compunds that lack carbon-to-carbon bonds

3.1. Fossil Fuels under the ground are inorganic compounds

4. Evaporation: a change of liquid to vapor

4.1. In the water cycle the water is being evaporated into the atmosphere

5. Transpirtation: the process in which water travels from a plants roots through the vascular system to the atmosphere

5.1. The trees are giving water to the atmosphere

6. Precipitation: water falls from the coulds onto Earth

6.1. The rain is falling form the clouds is an example of precipitation.

7. Molecule: the smallest unit of an element

7.1. Water Molcules are the molecules in this picture

8. Condenstation: the change of water from water vapor to into liquid water

8.1. The water in the clouds is changing from a vapor to liquid.

9. Compound: a substance composed of two or elements

9.1. Precipitation is water and water is a compound H2O.

10. Hydrocarbon: an organic compound only containing carbon and hydrogen

10.1. Water is made up of hydrogen and carbon.

11. The Water Cycle:The cycle in which water cycles the earth

11.1. The water cycle consitis of Evaporation, Condenstation,Transpirtation, ans Precipitation as shown in the picture.