TWC Ch 1 Notes, Characteristics of Technical and Professional Communication

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TWC Ch 1 Notes, Characteristics of Technical and Professional Communication by Mind Map: TWC Ch 1 Notes, Characteristics of Technical and Professional Communication

1. Audience Centered

1.1. Being able to target your audience through written, spoken, or visual language, to be used the most effectively use the information.

1.1.1. PSA Approach: Rhetorical, Audience Oriented, Technology Oriented, Professional, Visual, Design Centered, Concise.

2. Research Oriented

2.1. This often demands field visits, internet and database searches, and interviewing/talking to people who you work with, or people outside of the company. from there, being able to produce a tailor made document.

2.1.1. HTW approach: Plan, Research, Draft, Review, and Distribute or PSA

3. TWC Ch 1 Notes, Characteristics of Technical and Professional Communication

4. Rhetorical

4.1. The study and practice of using effective language, which can be visual, spoken, or written to influence thoughts and actions of others.

4.1.1. PSA Approach: Rhetorical, Audience Oriented, Technology Oriented, Professional, Visual, Design Centered, Concise.

5. Ethical

5.1. Knowing that your decisions have tangible consequences, and acting accordingly, preferably for the better.

5.1.1. PSA Approach: Rhetorical, Audience Oriented, Technology Oriented, Professional, Visual, Design Centered, Concise.

6. Concise

6.1. being able to narrow down your comments as much as possible, while still conveying what you mean. Such as saying "don't drink and drive", instead of "drinking and driving is a felony and can result in a loss of your drivers licence, death, or jail time."

6.1.1. PSA Approach: Rhetorical, Audience Oriented, Technology Oriented, Professional, Visual, Design Centered, Concise.

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