Overdrive eBook Help handling basic questions

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1. Do you have a basic eReader like a Kindle or a Nook?

1.1. If you have a basic Nook, go to the Nook Directions. http://guides.rcls.org/ld.php?content_id=4546911

1.2. If you have a basic Kindle like a Paperwhite or older version of a basic Kindle, then go to the Kindle Directions. http://guides.rcls.org/ld.php?content_id=4546909

2. Do you have a tablet or mobile device? i.e. iPhone or any type of smart phone, iPad or any type of tablet or even an eReader with Internet and apps like a Kindle Fire or a Nook Tablet. If yes, then go to your app store and download the Overdrive app. All these users can use the Directions for users with smart phones and tablets, even those with a Kindle Fire or a Nook Tablet. http://guides.rcls.org/ld.php?content_id=4546936

3. What type of device do you have?

4. http://guides.rcls.org/ebooks