Principles of Youth Work

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Principles of Youth Work by Mind Map: Principles of Youth Work

1. Models of Youth Work

1.1. Treatment Model

1.1.1. Scouts movement

1.2. Reform Model

1.3. Advocacy Model

1.3.1. Non-radical

1.3.2. Radical

1.4. Empowerment Model

1.4.1. Non-radical/Laissez-faire

1.4.2. Radical/Dialogical

2. Traditions

2.1. Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA)

2.2. Sunday Schools

3. Code of Ethics

3.1. Preventing corruption

3.2. Transparent relationship

3.3. Boundaries

3.4. Confidentiality

3.5. Duty of Care

4. Power

4.1. Professional

5. Conversation

5.1. Informal Education

5.1.1. Democracy

5.1.2. Empowerment

5.1.3. Listen & ask questions

5.1.4. Engage based on personal beliefs Open mind Expresses and fosters values

5.2. Relationships

5.2.1. Characterised & built on trust

5.2.2. Developed through conversion

5.2.3. Established in the young person's context

5.3. Sharing & Reflecting

5.3.1. Feelings

5.3.2. Experiences

5.3.3. Afflirmation

5.4. Reciprocal

5.4.1. Commitment to trust

5.5. Follow flow of conversation topic

6. Definitions

6.1. Primary Consideration

6.2. Works with young person holistically

6.2.1. Work in young person's context

6.3. Role-modelling

6.3.1. Acting with integrity

6.3.2. Demonstrate faith in others

7. Voluntary Participation

8. Counseling Micro-skills

8.1. Observation

8.2. Active listening

8.3. Giving feedback

8.4. Use of questions

8.5. Challenging

8.6. Instructions

8.7. Use of humour