The Year of the Hangman By Gary Blackwood

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The Year of the Hangman By Gary Blackwood by Mind Map: The Year of the Hangman By Gary Blackwood

1. Vocabulary List

1.1. Chapters 1 - 14 Test date: 10/29

1.1.1. transgressions idle subversive indignant amiably indentured rancid peevishly rotund demure mundane indignant sacrilegious cryptic morbid antagonize indentured shrewd raucous infernal

1.2. Chapters 15- 23 Test Date: 11/13

1.2.1. indiscreet duress adversary destitute inexplicable retaliate remnant naive divulge conspirator apothecary erasure retaliate dubious immoral deluge lucid sentries reproach adversaries

2. Reading Journal

2.1. I’m ready to go back home. I’m so tired of living away from the things I’ve grown so accustomed to. I’ve been through a lot these last few months (with the whole kidnapping thing, being shipped off to the colonies, dealing with my uncle, and surviving a pirate attack), and now I’m being forced to act as if I’m an indentured servant! These last few days have been the worst of my life, I don’t understand how people could have this job for seven years! I never thought spying would come with such a high price. I hope my Uncle’s happy with what he’s making me do, knowing that I’m miserable and can’t take much more of this. I feel like my identity’s been stripped away, as with all sense of individuality. I’m being shaped into the character my Uncle wants me to play, and keeping that act up every day for the Americans is tough.

2.2. In chapters 16 and 17, Creighton’s loyalties begin to shift. He starts to feel less and less connected to his homeland, and is more open about the Americans and how they might not be as horrible as he had always thought they were. The stories they told him, such as of his father’s betrayal, and the English’s cruel behavior made him second guess what he’d been taught. Now, after he saw his uncle’s true nature, he’s beginning to hate the British even more. He feels partially responsible for Franklin’s death, but also blames Colonel Gower, and he feels like he should take revenge. He can do this by aiding Arnold and Peter with their plan. Their plan is for Creighton to portray himself as a loyal English subject who escaped the Yankeys with the aid of Arnold, who will pretend to be a traitor. Peter’s job has changed, since he was having doubts about being convincing enough. Now, he is going to the Tavern to deliver the actual information of the Patriot’s attack, while Creighton and Arnold feed false statistics to Colonel Gower. While there, they hope to learn the whereabouts of General Washington. This information is crucial to the Patriots, because they agreed to assist the Spanish with their attack on Britain if the Spanish send an expedition to free the General.

2.3. In my opinion, Creighton becomes a hero at the end of the novel. He is brave, doesn’t give up, and sticks to what he believes is right. When he saves his father, he refuses to leave him behind, and suffers the consequences. He get’s shot in the leg, but continues on. He truly believed that what he was doing my saving his dad was the right thing. He doesn’t care that he promised his dad he would leave him behind, and says that, “Honor is not measured measured by words; it’s measured by deeds”. Then, when they escape and get back on the boat, he has to have the bullet removed, and stays strong. He also becomes more compassionate and aware of the world around him. Asking about Arnold shows that he cares about him, and his sense of panic after realizing that he got hurt proves that he has empathy. To me, these are traits that a hero should have. And in the end, Creighton realizes that war is an entirely different thing than what he thought it was. Changing your perspective on something and being able to admit to yourself that you were wrong before is tough, and Creighton makes it very clear that he has changed his ways. He even decides that he wants to spread the copy of Franklin’s words. We know that Creighton’s viewpoint has changed completely when his father wakes up and asked him if he’s playing a game, and Creighton replies with, “No, sir, not anymore.”

3. Final Predictions

3.1. Harry Brown knows where Washington is and will help them find their leader.

3.2. They are going to get Harry Brown out of prison.

3.3. After the Americans claim victory, Creighton and his father will retire in New Orleans together.

4. Character Map

4.1. Creighton Brown

4.1.1. Charlotte Brown: Mom Colonel Gower: Brother

4.1.2. Harry Brown: Father

4.2. Sir Edward Lyndon: Gentlemen Suitor

4.3. Lieutenant Hale

4.4. Captain Pierce: Amity Captain/Died in Chapter #4

4.5. Peter: Crew member of the Revenge/ Big and Slow

4.6. Sophie: French girl staying with Franklin

4.7. Benjamin Franklin

4.8. Jean Billouart: Thief in the Stockades

4.9. Arnold- assists Creighton in the plan against the British, gets hurt in attack on Pensacola but survives

5. Setting Map

5.1. England

5.1.1. Tavern

5.1.2. Home

5.1.3. Execution

5.2. Ships Crossing Atlantic

5.2.1. Amity

5.3. Carolina: For a Moment

5.4. Headed to Florida on the Amity

5.5. Revenge: a "rebel" ship

5.6. New Orleans

5.6.1. Benjamin Franklin's House

5.6.2. The Cabildo

5.7. Florida

5.7.1. Pensacola

5.7.2. Tavern- to get almanac

5.7.3. St. Marks Prison

5.7.4. Gage Hill

6. Depth & Complexity Icons

6.1. Main Ideas

6.1.1. You have to take responsibility for your actions, and acting rude, spoiled, and disobedient will result in harsh consequences.

6.1.2. What you've been told isn't always the truth.

6.1.3. There is potential in Creighton, he just has to realize it.

6.1.4. Hard times and sacrifices must be faced sometimes in order to reach your goals.

6.2. Unanswered Questions

6.2.1. How long is Creighton going to stay with Dr. Frankklin?

6.2.2. Will Sophie eventually warm up to Creighton and overcome her hatred of the English?

6.2.3. Will Creighton find a way to save or help his uncles and Hale?

6.3. Details

6.3.1. Peter is worried that he won't be able to keep in character during the plan, so Creighton convinces Arnold to leave Peter out of it, as if it was his idea.

6.3.2. The Colonel tries to get Creighton to believe that Arnold has betrayed them and really has switched over to the British side, but Creighton doesn't stray from his act.

6.3.3. Colonel Gower has Creighton decipher a coded message, but instead of revealing to the Colonel the real message, he makes up information and feeds that to him instead.

6.4. SWABS Ch #13

6.4.1. Somebody- Creighton

6.4.2. Wanted- to leave America and return to England with his uncle and Lieutenant Hale

6.4.3. But- his uncle forced him to stay, hit him on the head and knocked him out, and left him behind

6.4.4. So- he returned to Dr. Franklin's house and stayed with him and Sophie.