Mini Define youth work #1

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Mini Define youth work #1 by Mind Map: Mini Define youth work #1

1. Employment

1.1. Community

1.2. Government

1.3. Drop in centres

1.4. Accomodation

1.5. Church

1.6. Schools

1.7. Prisons

2. Code of Ethics

2.1. Duty of care

2.2. Empowerment

2.3. Equality

2.4. Confidentiality

3. Flexiblity

4. Informal education

5. Detached youth work

6. Definitions

6.1. Australian Youth Affairs Coalition

6.2. Bessant, Watts, & Sercombe

6.3. Mark Smith

7. Young people

7.1. 12-24 years old

8. Services

8.1. advocacy

8.2. conversations