Characteristics of Courseware for Learning

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Characteristics of Courseware for Learning by Mind Map: Characteristics of Courseware for Learning

1. Simulations

1.1. They are Safe

1.2. Can Modify Time Frames

1.3. Can Make Rare Events More Common

1.4. Motivate Learning

1.5. Stronger Transfer of Learning More Common

2. Educational Games

2.1. Potential Advantages

2.2. Potential Disadvantages

3. Tools/Open-ended Learning Environments

3.1. Potential Advantages

3.2. Potential Disadvantages

4. Tutorials

4.1. Presenting of Information/Modeling of Skils

4.2. Initial Guiding of Learner

5. Hypermedia

5.1. Encyclopedias

5.2. Reasearch Based Projects

5.3. Case Studeis

5.4. Virtual Museums/Field Trips

6. Drills

6.1. Adjust to Students

6.2. Criticism