5-Step Action Plan for promoting social, inclusion, understanding in the classroom

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5-Step Action Plan for promoting social, inclusion, understanding in the classroom by Mind Map: 5-Step Action Plan for promoting social, inclusion, understanding in the classroom

1. Shared Student Experiences

1.1. 1) Who will carry out the step?

1.1.1. students

1.1.2. 2) The sharing of student experiences will develop intergroup awareness and understanding

1.2. 3) Where will it take place?

1.2.1. Inside and outside the classroom

1.2.2. 4) Why is it important?

1.3. Students should share their personal experiences to promote the appreciation of all students and identities/backgrounds

1.3.1. 5) How will it be carried put?

1.3.2. Ask students to openly share feelings. Promote cultural humility. Give students opportunity in class to share their personal experiences or feelings on topics

2. Student Collaboration

2.1. 1) Who will carry out the step?

2.1.1. Student

2.1.2. 2) Students work with one another to solve problems and share knowledge

2.2. 3) Where will it take place?

2.2.1. Inside and outside the classroom

2.2.2. 4) Why is it important?

2.3. Learning is a social process therefore when students collaborate with each other they can cultivate new ideas and support each other during learning

2.4. 5) How will it be carried out? Students can brainstorm with each other before asking for teacher assistance on certain assignments, students can complete project based activities, and students can peer review each others work and class discussions.

3. Classroom Set-up

3.1. 1)Who will carry out the step?

3.1.1. 1a) The Teacher

3.1.2. 2) The teacher will organize the classroom setting in a way to promote social inclusion

3.1.3. 3) Where will it take place? The classroom set up will occur in a diverse public school setting 4) Why is it important?

3.2. It allows students to feel with comfortable peers and more confident as learners

3.2.1. 5) How will it be carried out?

3.2.2. ~The teacher will arrange desk into groups to allow better communication amongst students as well as displaying posters and materials that promote diversity. Teacher to be position where are students can see them

4. Visual Aids

4.1. 1) Who will carry out the step?

4.1.1. The teacher & students

4.1.2. 2) Visual aids will be used to demonstrate learning and instruction. Students can also use visuals to show understanding of work

4.1.3. 3) Where will it take place? Inside and outside the classroom 4) Why is it important?

4.2. a) Allows students to understand and remember learned concepts more easily and reduces teacher talk time

4.2.1. 5) How will it be carried out?

4.2.2. The use of pictures, timelines, charts and graphs, and videos for learning during classroom work and homework

5. Classroom Culture

5.1. 1) Who will carry out the step?

5.1.1. 1a) The Teaher

5.1.2. 2) Creating a environment where all students can feel accepted and have a sense of trust towards teacher & students

5.1.3. 3) Where will it take place? An American classroom where the student population is highly diverse and English Language Learners are trying to adapt to new classroom. 4) Why is it important?

5.2. It diverts ELL students from have a "self protection" mindset to learning mindset.

5.2.1. 5) How will it be carried out?

5.2.2. a)Students participate and engage in process thinking together without excluding any student. b) Model acceptance and respect c) Rotate the learning process constantly in classroom to ensure the needs of all students are meet d) Have established classroom non-negotiables