Socratic Dialogue
by Buddy Lobermann
1. General
1.1. 1. The opponent's stance on the issue is given
1.2. 2. Socrates finds a minor flaw
1.3. 3. Socrates slowly unravels the oppontent's argument until they admit ignorance
2. Thrasymachus
2.1. What is justice?
2.1.1. Might makes right
2.2. Rulers make bad laws
2.3. Polemarches
2.3.1. Said that Thrasymachus was wrong
3. Symposium: Diotima teaches Socrates
3.1. Starts with a love of physical things
3.1.1. Becomes a love of virtue, courage, temperence, prudence, and justice
4. Euthyphro
4.1. What is piety?
4.1.1. That which is loved by the gods Some things loved by some gods
4.2. Give service to the gods
4.2.1. Sacrifices only give back to them