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socratic dialouge por Mind Map: socratic dialouge

1. general

1.1. defintions given

1.2. find flaws unravel defintion

1.3. admit ignorance

2. symposium diotima teaches socrates

2.1. starts with love of physical things

2.1.1. Become a love of virtue: courage, temperance, prudence, justice

3. thrasymachus

3.1. rulers make bad laws

3.2. pole marchus says T wrong

3.3. what justiced

3.3.1. might makes right

4. Euthypro

4.1. what is piety

4.1.1. that which is loved by the gods some things loved by the same god

4.1.2. they love just humans actions

4.1.3. It's loved because it is holy or holy because it is loved