Socrati Dialogue
by danielle stein

1. Thrasymachus
1.1. what is justice?
1.1.1. might is right
1.1.2. interest of the stronger
1.2. rulers make bad decisions
1.2.1. people follow people get mad and or rebel
1.3. polemarhus says "T" is wrong
2. syposium diomita teaches socrates
2.1. starts with a love of physial things
2.1.1. becomes a love of virtue
2.1.2. virtue: 1)courage, 2)temperance, 3)prudence, 4)justice
3. general
3.1. admit ignorance
3.1.1. person now doesnt know how to turn his arguement around
3.2. definition is given
3.2.1. and then crushed
3.3. find flaws, unravel definition
3.3.1. stronger what?
3.3.2. Are you sure you're correct
4. Euthryphro
4.1. what is piety
4.1.1. they love justice, just acts
4.1.2. that which is loved by the g-ds something are hated some are loved
4.2. give a service to the g-ds
4.2.1. prayers only of them sacrifices only give back to the g-ds what they gave "us"