Customer satisfaction and Service quality

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Customer satisfaction and Service quality by Mind Map: Customer satisfaction and Service quality

1. Customer Satisfaction Measurements

1.1. Indirect measures

1.2. Direct measures

1.3. Approaches

1.3.1. The 100 Form

1.3.2. Very dissatisfied/satisfied apporach

1.3.3. The combined approached

2. Customer satisfaction ratings

2.1. Customer genuinly satisfied

2.2. Response bias

2.3. Data collection method

2.4. Context of the question

2.5. Timing of the question

2.6. Second desirability bias

2.7. Mood

3. Customer expectations

3.1. Predicted service

3.2. Desired service

3.3. Perceived service superiority

3.4. Adequate service

3.5. Perceived service adequacy

4. Desired service

4.1. Explicit promises

4.2. Implicit promises

4.3. Word of mouth communication

4.4. Past Experience

5. Adequate service

5.1. Transitoriy service intensifiers

5.2. Percieved services alternatives

5.3. Self perceived service role

5.4. Situational factors

6. Service Quality

6.1. Attitude formed at long term

6.2. Overall evaluation on firm's performance

7. Customer satisfaction/dissatisfaction?

7.1. Confirmed expectations

7.2. Disconfirmed expectations

7.3. Negative disconfirmation

7.4. Positive disconfirmation

8. Service Gap

8.1. Knowledge gap

8.1.1. Research orientation

8.1.2. Upward communication

8.2. Standard gap

8.2.1. No culture for service quality

8.2.2. Can0t measure quality

8.2.3. Employee behaviors

8.3. Delivery gap

8.3.1. Willingness to perform

8.3.2. Employee-job fit

8.3.3. Role conflict

8.3.4. Role ambiguity

8.3.5. Dispersion control

8.3.6. Inadequate support

8.4. Communications gap

8.4.1. Overcompromising

8.4.2. Horizontal communication


9.1. Tangibles dimension

9.2. Reliability dimension

9.3. Responsiveness dimension

9.4. Assurance dimension

9.5. Empathy dimension

10. Service quality IS

10.1. Customer's complaints

10.2. After sales surveys

10.3. Focus groups

10.4. Mystery shopping

10.5. Employee surveys

10.6. Total market quality surveys