Using a Personal Learning System to Support Staff CPD (see link for explanation)
by Thomas Rickarby

1. E-Portfolios
1.1. JISC: Key Resources
1.2. JISC Briefing Paper
1.3. FILE-PASS@UoCLanc
1.4. myWORLD@OxfordBrookes
1.4.1. Discussion with George Roberts
1.5. Flourish@Cumbria
1.5.1. Meeting between Flourish People and Senior University Staff
1.6. e-Portfolio Infokit@JISCnet
1.7. Survey of Technology Enhanced Learning@AustralianFlexibleLeaningFramework
1.8. Survey of Technology Enhanced Learning@UCISA
1.9. A survey of e-pdp and e-portfolio practice in UK Higher Education@CRA
1.10. Impact of e-Portfolios on Learning@Becta
2. Technology Adoption
2.1. APTSTAIRS@London
3. e-Learning
3.1. Higher Education in a Web 2.0 World
3.1.1. Reflective Blog Post
3.2. Web 2.0 and Policy
3.3. Effective Practice in a Digital Age
3.4. JISC Portfolio for Senior Managers
4. CPD
4.1. LifelongLearningandWorkforceDevelopment@Hull
4.2. CPDinBCE@JISCNetSkills
4.3. Flourish:CPDUsingPebblePad@Cumbria
5. Employment Processes
5.1. MyShowcase
5.1.1. Discussion with David Sowden