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Energy by Mind Map: Energy

1. Kinetic energy

1.1. Riding a bike

1.2. Running

1.3. Energy of motion

2. Nuclear energy

2.1. Sun

2.2. Nuclear bomb

2.3. Energy stored in an atomic nuclei

3. Potential energy

3.1. Plucking a string

3.2. Lifting a book

3.3. Energy stored with position and shape

4. Mechanical energy

4.1. Speeding trains

4.2. Bouncing balls

4.3. Energy associated with the motion and position of every day objects.

5. Thermal energy

5.1. Multen metal

5.2. Welding

5.3. Particals in an object

6. Chemical energy

6.1. Fire

6.2. Gas

6.3. Energy storedin chemical bonds

7. Electrical energy

7.1. Flashlights

7.2. Lightning

7.3. Energy associated with eletrical charges

8. Electromagnetic energy

8.1. Visible light

8.2. X-rays

8.3. Energy that travels in space in forms of waves