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Travel создатель Mind Map: Travel

1. Vacation

1.1. Reason

1.1.1. Visiting family

1.1.2. Sight-seeing

1.1.3. Relaxation

1.1.4. Thrill

2. Business

2.1. Conference

2.2. Celebration

3. $ Cost $

3.1. Paid for

3.2. Very expensive

4. Means of travel

4.1. Plane

4.2. Bus

4.3. Car

4.4. Train

5. Packing

5.1. Warm clothing

5.2. Cold Clothing

6. Duration

6.1. Days

6.2. Weeks

6.3. Months

7. Where to

7.1. Out of the country

7.2. Staying in the country