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Office automation by Mind Map: Office automation

1. Electronic publishing

1.1. Word processing

1.1.1. allows to create, edit, store, print and format documents

1.2. Desktop publishing

1.2.1. Newsletter

1.2.2. Brochures

1.2.3. Magazines

1.2.4. Books

2. Image processing

2.1. Presentation graphics

2.1.1. Charts

2.1.2. Text

2.1.3. Sound

2.1.4. Photos

2.1.5. Animation

2.1.6. Video clips

2.2. Electronic data management

2.2.1. Digital form can be manipulated, stored, printed, or sent

2.3. Multimedia systems

2.3.1. integrate 2 or more types of media

3. Electronic communication

3.1. Voice mail

3.2. Electronic mail

3.3. Facsimile

3.4. Desktop videoconferencing

4. Office management

4.1. Electronic office accessories

4.2. Electronic scheduling

4.3. Task management

5. Electronic collaboration

5.1. Groupware

5.1.1. Teleconferencing

5.1.2. Electronic meeting system

5.2. Features

5.2.1. Sharing information

5.2.2. Updating schedules and plans

5.2.3. Cooperating on projects regardless of geographic distance

5.3. Telecommuting