Looking for Alaska

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Looking for Alaska by Mind Map: Looking for Alaska

1. Time

1.1. This century

1.1.1. E.G History channel Biograpies SUV Highway 119 Vine Station

2. Space

2.1. Miles' & Chip's room

2.1.1. An upside down turned table with Coffee table written on it

2.1.2. A couch with old vinyls on it

2.1.3. Dorm room

2.1.4. Behind the table there are bottles of alcohol

2.1.5. Under the mattresses there are boxes of cigarettes

2.1.6. Bad air - condition

2.1.7. Room 43

2.2. City

2.2.1. Hot

2.2.2. Humid

2.2.3. A lot of green

3. Theme(s)

3.1. Suicide

3.2. Mystery

3.3. Romance

3.4. Teen problems

4. Extras:


4.1.1. If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane

4.1.2. “The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive

4.1.3. “Thomas Edison's last words were "It's very beautiful over there". I don't know where there is, but I believe it's somewhere, and I hope it's beautiful.”

4.1.4. “When I look at my room, I see a girl who loves books.”

4.1.5. “It always shocked me when I realized that I wasn’t the only person in the world who thought and felt such strange and awful things.”

5. Plot

5.1. Culver Creek ( a boarding school)

5.2. Looking for a Great Perhaps

5.2.1. Famous people last words

5.3. Friends/ Rivals

5.4. Prank wars

5.5. The end of Alaska Young

5.5.1. Car accident

5.5.2. How will I ever get out of this labyrinth?

6. Characters

6.1. Miles Halter (Main)

6.1.1. Short hair

6.1.2. Tall

6.1.3. Interested in famous people last words

6.1.4. Attracted to Alaska

6.1.5. Nickname: Pudge (ironic)

6.2. Alaska Young

6.2.1. Wild, unpredictable, beautiful

6.2.2. Jake's boyfriend

6.2.3. Alcohol and cigarettes

6.2.4. assisting them in personal matters

6.2.5. Suicidal (?)

6.2.6. Kissed by Miles and his crush

6.3. Chip Martin

6.3.1. Five feet tall (1m 52)

6.3.2. Adonis complex

6.3.3. Alaska's best friend & Miles' roommate

6.3.4. Poor

6.3.5. Loyalty and honor -> important

6.3.6. Lives in a trailer with mother Dolores

6.3.7. Nickname: Colonel

7. Perspective

7.1. Miles' perspective

7.2. All information comes from him