Copy of Wellness / Spa Center

Dropzone Wellnes / Spa and Rejuvenating Center

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Copy of Wellness / Spa Center by Mind Map: Copy of Wellness / Spa Center

1. Mind Balance

1.1. Meditation

1.1.1. Flotation Tank Dream Pod I-sopod Samadhi tanks, Ocean Float

1.2. Yoga

1.3. Massage

1.3.1. Special massage tables MLX Quartz Spa Table from Gharieni

1.3.2. Regular Massage tables

2. Detoxification

2.1. Organic Food/Juicing

2.2. IV Therapy

2.3. Acupuncture

2.4. Osteopathy

2.5. Chelation Therapy

2.6. Colonic Hydrotherapy

3. Anti Aging / Beauty Clinic

3.1. Stem Cell Injection

3.2. Placenta Injection

3.3. Laser Therapy

3.4. Mesotherapy

3.5. Body Contouring and Cellulite Reduction RF Method

3.6. Hydro-massage

3.6.1. Vicki Showers Aomatio Spa from Lemi Vichy Shower Stas-Doyer

3.6.2. BODY TREATMENT ENCLOSURES, FLOATS Spa Oceana 2G from Sybaritic Jouvence Dry Float Spa Bed from Unbescheiden

3.7. Beauty Treatments

3.7.1. Waxing

3.7.2. Pedicure & Manicure

3.7.3. Scrubs and Wraps.

3.8. Oxigen Therapy

3.9. Vampire Facelift / Selphyl

3.10. Facial Cleansing

3.11. Skin Tratments

3.11.1. PDT Photo Dynamic Therapy Skin Care System

3.11.2. Chromo - color - colorology Therapy

3.11.3. Hydrofusion hydration Capsule

3.12. Spa Oceana 2G from Sybaritic

4. Weight Optimization

4.1. Functional Fitness Training

4.1.1. Pilates

4.1.2. Yoga

4.1.3. Personal Training

4.1.4. Bootcamp

4.1.5. Muay Thai

4.1.6. Spinning

4.1.7. Crossfit

4.1.8. Bike water cubicle Fit Wet Bike Aquafit Vacu Active

4.2. Diet Regime

4.3. Diet management & Education

4.4. Body fat, Body type and Blood type analysis

5. Sport Rehabilitation