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Olanzapine by Mind Map: Olanzapine

1. Side Effects

1.1. headache

1.2. memory problems;

1.3. stomach pain, constipation, loss of bladder control;

1.4. back pain, pain in your arms or legs;

1.5. numbness or tingly feeling;

1.6. dizziness,

1.7. drowsiness,

1.8. feeling tired or restless;

2. Brand names

2.1. Zyprexa

3. Increased risk of toxicity with myelosuppressive drugs.

4. Uses/Doses/Routes

4.1. Use

4.1.1. Schizophrenia and mania

4.2. Dosage

4.2.1. Between 5-20mg per day. Usual dose (orally) 10mg or 2.5-5mg IM injection.

4.3. Routes

4.3.1. Oral/I.M.

5. Contraindications

5.1. acute myocardial infarction

5.2. bradycardia;

5.3. recent heart surgery;

5.4. severe hypotension;

5.5. sick sinus syndrome;

5.6. unstable angina