Social Enterprise Challenges and Solutions

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Social Enterprise Challenges and Solutions por Mind Map: Social Enterprise Challenges and Solutions

1. Paraskilling (MG)

2. Microfranchising

3. Shared Channels (MG)

4. Lowering Product Costs

4.1. Cross-Subsidization

4.2. Supplier Discounts

4.3. Pay Per Use (MG)

4.4. No Frills

5. Affordability

6. Marketing

6.1. Rural Events

7. Distribution

8. Human Resources

8.1. New node

9. Financing

9.1. Customer Financing

9.1.1. Flexibility of Conditions Interest Rates Collateral Downpayment

9.2. Organization Financing

9.2.1. Patient Capital

9.3. Distributor Financing

9.3.1. Microconsigment

9.3.2. Operating Leases

10. Regulatory

11. Partnerships

12. Local Knowledge