Differentiating Lesson Plans

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Differentiating Lesson Plans by Mind Map: Differentiating Lesson Plans

1. Readiness Levles

1.1. Advanced: students who showcase levels of advancement will be given the opportunity to present their ideas to the class to further educate students who do not necessarily have the capacity.

1.2. Not at Grade Level: students not at grade level with have the ability to be given assignments easier in reading. Primary documents may be too difficult for students to comprehend.

1.3. Point3

2. Students' Interest

2.1. Interested: students who are interested in the subject will be excited to see what happens next in the dialogue. In this case it will not be difficult gaining their attention with the lesson.

2.2. Non-Interested: Students who are not interested in the lesson will be included in a special dialouge. Similar to a Socratic Seminar: students will have the ability to voice their opinion on the subject.

3. Examples of Learning Profiles

3.1. Visual Learner: Student swill visually see events that took place in the Civil Rights Era. Visually seeing moments from Birmingham and Selma Alabama.

3.2. Audible Learner: Students will hear speeches given by MLK and from Malcolm X.

3.3. Hands On: Students will be handed primary documents from the Civil Rights Era. Thus, letters and other pictures will be given to students to see and get a feel for the era.

4. Objective

4.1. Students Must be able to define the causes of the Civil Rights Movement.

4.2. Students must be able to name key figures and dates in the Civil Rights Movement.

4.3. Students must be able to cite primary sources with reference to the Civil Rights Movement.