Historical Perspective: America

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Historical Perspective: America por Mind Map: Historical Perspective: America

1. "I, Too, Sing, America " by Langston Hughes

1.1. Tone: The author's tone was determined and proud. This is because he said that one day no one will be telling him to leave, and they would see how good he actually is and be ashamed "Nobody’ll dare Say to me, Eat in the kitchen” (Hughes 11-13) When Langston Hughes says "They’ll see how beautiful I am" (Hughes 16) It shows that he is proud to be an African American.

1.2. Mood: The mood of the poem "I, Too, Sing, America" is inspiring because the reader sees the author's determination to make his future brighter. The reader can feel inspired to make a change for what they want, or to make their life better in any way. They would feel this way

1.3. Who is considered a part of this America?: In the beginning of the poem it was people who were light skinned because it said the darker skinned person had to leave when guests came over because it was bad to have a dark skinned person at your house unless they were slaves. At the end of the story it changed because then it showed that determined people were part of the America decribed by Langston Hughes when the dark skinned person said "Nobody’ll dare Say to me, Eat in the kitchen” (Hughes 11-13). This shows that people who are determined will be successful, because it says how the dark skinned was determined to be accepted.

2. There are many differences between the two peoms. One shows us that the American dream is possible to achieve if we work hard, and are if hae pride in ourselves. While the other shows us that the people signing isn't just those who have good jobs, but also the dark skined people who worked as maids, slaves, etc. They have a voice. The people with good jobs aren't the only ones who can sing, they Arican Americans are at the same level as everyone else. All these Americans should be proud of themselves and know that one day they will be treated equally.

3. By: Joe Bagel & xX_MLQ_FaZe_OPTIC_Niqam_PRO_Xx

4. "I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman

4.1. Tone: The author's tone is hopeful and appreciative. In the text it states, "Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs" (Whitman 11). Whitman went on to explain how the people are appreciative of what they do and what they have accomplished. It also represents the American dream by having the people "sing" about how they are porud in what they have achieved meaning their hopes and dreams.

4.2. Mood: The mood is inspiring. To prove this in the text it states, "I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear, Those of mechanics, each one singing his as it should be blithe and strong" (Whitman 1-2). This represents how the mood makes the audience feel inspired from the powerful words like "the varied carols I hear." It inspired the readers to be proud of what they do and what they have accomplished. It also inspires the people to reach for their dreams and do anything they want to do.

4.3. Who is considered a part of this America? The people that are included in this America are those who are mainly work hard and are generally happy with what they do. But even more specifically, the people who are some what more privileged. Those who have free rights and can do aything they want to do with being discriminated. To prove all of this in the text it states,"The wood cutter’s song, the ploughboy’s on his way in the morning, or at noon intermission or at sundown" (Whitman 7). This proves that the wood-cutter and the ploughboy are signing about their jobs during all times of the day. Why would you sing all day if you weren't happy or appreciative of your job. In conclusion this shows that this poem is about the people who are living out the American dream and are proud of what they do.