Chapter 11: Stratification by Gender and Age
by Jordan Ochoa
1. Social Construction of Gender
1.1. - Many societies have established social distinctions between females and males that do not inevitably result from biological differences between the sexes.
1.2. The five aspects of the male gender role: - Antifeminine element--show no "sissy stuff," including any expression of openness or vulnerability. - Success element--prove one's masculinity at work and sports. - Aggressive element--use force in dealing with others. - Sexual element--initiate and control all sexual relations. - Self-reliant element--keep cool and unflappable.
2. Explaining Stratification by Gender
2.1. - Women take the expressive, emotionally, supportive role and men the instrumental, practical role, with the two complementing each other.
2.2. - Functionalist, conflict, and feminist theorists acknowledge that it is not possible to change gender roles drastically without making dramatic revisions in a culture's social structure.
3. Women: The Oppressed Majority
3.1. - Many people, both male and female, find it difficult to conceive of women as a subordinate and oppressed group.
3.2. - Feminism as a unified political cause, requiring one to accept a similar stance on everything from abortion to sexual harassment to pornography to welfare, has fallen out of favor,
4. Aging and Society
4.1. - "Being old" is a master status that commonly overshadows all others in the United States.
4.2. - The five basic properties of a minority of subordinate group: 1. The elderly experience unequal treatment in employment, and may face prejudice and discrimination. 2. The elderly share physical characteristics that distinguish them from younger people. In addition, their cultural preferences and leisure-time activities often differ from those of the rest of society. 3. Membership in this disadvantaged group is involuntary. 4. Older people have a strong sense of group solidarity, as is reflected in the growth of senior citizens' centers, retirement communities, ad advocacy organizations. 5. Older people generally are married to others of comparable age.
5. Explaining the Aging Process
5.1. - Aging is one important aspect of socialization--the life-long process through which an individual learns the cultural norms and values of a particular society.
5.2. - Conflict theorists have criticized both disengagement theorists and activity theorists for failing to consider the impact of social structure on aging patterns.
6. Age Stratification in the United States
6.1. - To some extent, older people owe their overall improved standard of living to a greater accumulation of wealth--in the form of home ownership, private pensions, and other financial assets.
6.2. - Participation in paid work is not typical after the age of 65.
7. Key Terms
7.1. 1. Activity Theory: - An interactionist view of aging that suggests that elderly people who remain active and socially involved will be best-adjusted.
7.2. 2. Ageism: - Prejudice and discrimination based on a person's age.
7.3. 3. Disengagement Theory: - A functionalist theory of aging that implicitly suggests that society and the aging individual mutually sever many of their relationships.
7.4. 4. Expressiveness: - Concern for the maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family.
7.5. 5. Gender Role: - Expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females.
7.6. 6. Gerontology: - The scientific study of the sociological and psychological aspects of aging and the problems of the aged.
7.7. 7. Glass Ceiling: - An invisible barrier that blocks the promotion of a qualified individual in a work environment because of the individual's gender, race, or ethnicity.
7.8. 8. Homophobia: - Fear of and prejudice against homosexuality.
8. 2 Articles
8.1. Gender Discrimination - This article talks about a MSUM student who wrote an article about being pansexual. This article relates to the idea of gender discrimination because many were not okay of this situation and some used hateful discrimination towards this girl. In my point of view, I agree with this article because no matter the kind of person you are or the type of sexuality you have should not allow people to harshly discriminate against them even if their views aren't the same as others.
8.2. Age Discrimination - This article talks about a teenager who left home at 17 being listed as a unaccompanied youth status. This article relates to the idea of age discrimination because of the ways in which things are restricted based on age. In my point of view, I disagree with the article because at any age no one should be homeless especially a minor.
9. Is enough being done?
9.1. 1. Make opportunities available for both men and women. 2. Put both men and women on the same social status. 3. Make occupation equal between genders.
10. How does the process of eliminating discrimination differ from males to females?
10.1. - The process may differ by males feeling different from the females in a way in which they may feel the concept of unfairness.
11. How does the process of eliminating age discrimination differ amongst young and old?
11.1. - Young people may not want older people within their inner society and old people may not want younger people within their inner society.