Passing on Information

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Passing on Information by Mind Map: Passing on Information


1.1. She promised to finish the report this week.

1.2. He agreed to increase the budget by 10%.

1.3. We´ve decided not to start work yet.

1.4. He said he was happy to attend and was keen to give a talk.

2. I have a copy of the agenda

3. I can email the document later

4. Reported speech

4.1. I´m very busy.

4.1.1. He said he was very busy

4.2. I have a copy

4.2.1. He said he had a copy.

4.3. I can email it

4.3.1. He said he could email it.

4.4. I'll send it

4.4.1. He said he would send it.