Perfect Times

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Perfect Times by Mind Map: Perfect Times

1. The main verb is "have" in Spanish is the primary meaning of 'Tener' and 'Haber'.

1.1. Structure

2. To Have in the expression "Have To". - When is followed by an infinitive, equivalent to the expression in Spanish "Tener que".

3. Structure Interrogative: Do/Does/Did+Subject+HAVE TO+Verb Infinitive+ complement?

4. Structure Negative: Subject+DO/DOES/DID+Not+HAVE TO+Verb Infinitive+Complement.

5. Estructure Affirmative: Subject+HAVE/HAS/HAD+TO+Verb infinitive+ complement.

6. "Have" as auxiliary. It serves to form the compound tenses when accompanying the participle of the verb.

7. Structure Interrogative: HAVE/HAS/HAD+Subject+Participle Past of the verb+Complement? WHAT+HAVE/HAS/HAD+Subject+Participle Past of the Verb+Complement?

8. Structure Affirmative: Subject+HAVE/HAS/HAD+Past Participle of the verb+Complement.

9. When the verb "Have" is used as the main means in spanish "Tener".

10. Structure Negative: Subject+Don´t/Doesn´t/Didn´t+HAVE+Complement

11. Structure Affirmative: Subject+HAVE/HAS/HAD+Complement

12. Structure Interrogative: Do/Does/Did+Subject+HAVE+complemento?

13. Structure Negative: Subject+HAVE/HAS/HAD+Not+Participle Past of the verb+Complement.