Triggering science-forming capacity Through linguistic inquiry

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Triggering science-forming capacity Through linguistic inquiry by Mind Map: Triggering science-forming capacity Through linguistic inquiry

1. Education

1.1. Succesful use of scientific method in education

1.1.1. Makeing science, humans continue to make science

1.1.2. Linguistics based education offer the advantage that the students speak a language Problematizing language in a scientific way makes science available because language is available

1.2. Problems of scientific education

1.2.1. Mathematics and sciense seen as a static body of knowledge

1.3. objectives

1.3.1. Prepare students in science/linguistics/maths

1.3.2. Cozy environment, intellectual climate

1.3.3. confidence on students

1.4. If it's not connected to science, it becomes easy

2. Science

3. A way to satisfy the wish over knowledge

4. Elaborated questions using linguistics to introduce scientific method

5. The scientific method applied in education

5.1. Hard one

5.1.1. Teachers are not comfortable to do it You have to give voice to your students, start discussions, enroll the discuss. YOU have to take part of it, not as the leader but as a participant

6. This may be harder because teachers/professor do not want to lose their hierarquical spots