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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Types of Assessment/Assessment Tools/Strategies

1.1. Diagnostic/Initial Assesment

1.1.1. Test

1.1.2. Discussion

1.1.3. Thinking Tools (KWL, Think Boards, Wonder Walls)

1.2. Formative/On going Assessment

1.2.1. Observations

1.2.2. Discussions

1.2.3. Peer Assesment

1.2.4. Self Assessment

1.2.5. Reflection Journals Blogs

1.2.6. Conferences

1.2.7. Workshops

1.2.8. Exemplars

1.2.9. Checklists

1.2.10. Anecdotal Notes

1.2.11. Portfolios

1.3. Summative/Final Assessment

1.3.1. Tests

1.3.2. Projects: Rubric Basic Assessment

1.3.3. Presentations/Performances

2. Reasons For Assessment

2.1. Planning

2.1.1. Direct inquiry

2.1.2. Inform direction of planning

2.1.3. Aid in differentiation in planning

2.2. Students

2.2.1. Identify learning gaps and next steps

2.2.2. Identify knowledge gained

2.2.3. Develop reflective learners

2.2.4. Develop critical thinking skills

2.2.5. To monitor individual progress/ Not a onesize fits all.

2.3. Teacher Practise

2.3.1. Identify strengths and weaknesses in you practise

2.3.2. Encourage reflective practitioners