Heredity is about:

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Heredity is about: by Mind Map: Heredity is about:

1. Cells

1.1. Prokaryotic

1.1.1. Parts

1.1.2. Structure/Function

1.2. Eukaryotic

1.2.1. Parts

1.2.2. Structure/Function

2. Chromosomes

2.1. Genes

2.2. Protiens

2.3. DNA

2.4. Traits

3. Reproduction

3.1. Asexual

3.2. Sexual

4. Mutations

4.1. Positive

4.2. Negative

4.3. No effect

4.4. Increase or decrease chances of reproduction

4.5. Structure/Function

5. Influence on individual organism

5.1. Environmental influences

5.1.1. Resource availability

5.1.2. Interactions with other organisms (Predator/Prey)

5.2. Genetic Influences

5.2.1. Adult size range

5.2.2. Breed

5.3. Interaction of genetic & environmental factors