Federal Government

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Federal Government by Mind Map: Federal Government

1. Checks and Balances

2. Separation of Church and State

3. Bill Of Rights

4. Checks and balances were necessary to be able not have one portion of the givernment having too much power.

5. The Bill of Rights were necessary to include for the inclusion of basic rights that everyone should have. The federal gov't should not be able to take individual rights away.

6. Religion and State are two totally different issues and in the federal gov't they should be treated as such because sometimes things that are not right in the churches need to be done in gov't

7. Federalism

8. The three branches of government

9. Separation of Powers

10. Separated powers are necessary for the federal gov't because if all of one area of gov't or one person has all the power it turns back into a monarchy

11. Federalism is needed for a federal gov't because it gives power to many different types of people. The states, the federal gov't and the power to the people to vote.

12. The three branches of gov't are essential to a federal gov't because this makes the separations of powers evident and not just something that we have to trust that the gov't is doing