Tips to a Great MAO Pageant Interview

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Tips to a Great MAO Pageant Interview by Mind Map: Tips to a Great MAO Pageant Interview

1. BE UNIQUE - Give answers that only you could give. - Draw on your own unique experiences to support your answer. - If you answer a question in a way that any of the contestants could have also answered it, you run the risk of sounding "typical", "over used", and "unoriginal".

2. HAVE A PLAN - Know specifically what you want to accomplish with your title. - Have at least two major events/appearances you would want to do with your title that you are ready to promote and discuss with the judges. - Do not say you are going to go "talk to schools" or "take your platform to the schools" unless you know EXACTLY how you are going to do that. Schools do not just let people walk in and start talking to students.

3. KNOW YOUR STUFF - Idaho facts (fun, historical, political) - Platform statistics and current events - Local, state, national and worldwide current events with focus on how it impacts you or your platform - MAO History - MAO partnerships and national platforms

4. TALK LIKE YOU'VE WON - Avoid phrases like "If I win..." and "When I win" - Instead, try "As Miss Boise.." or "With the title of Miss Boise I hope/plan to..." - Show the judges that you have already envisioned yourself with the title.

5. PUT ON A SHOW - Interviews can get boring, entertain your judges just like you would the public at an appearance - You are in charge. Be in control. - Charm, dazzle, and impress them. This is the only face to face impression they will get. Make it memorable. You don't have time to "warm up".

6. PICK A STANCE - Do not "ride the fence". - Intelligent women have opinions based on fact and evidence and know how to articulate them in ways that will not offend or belittle anyone.