Eastern Shore Food System 2030 - Map H

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Eastern Shore Food System 2030 - Map H por Mind Map: Eastern Shore Food System 2030 - Map H

1. SUMMARY: transportation issues/more economically viable; aquaculture/seafood/other food products/sources need to be part of food distribution hub not just corn/soy

2. Profitable farms

2.1. Educated producers supported by centralized hub for marketing, branding transportation, logistics

2.2. How does the food get to consumers?

2.2.1. What if we were are underwater and production land is lost? We need food imported here?

2.2.2. Food hub to produce and seafood Do we also need new slaughter and processing facilities? This is huge. Limiting factor right now for sustainability protein produces locally – a significant met need I concur and we need to consider is slaughtering facility is kosher – how these can be permitted. Waste is an issue – – and this prevented the facility from opening due to regulations. Can waste be alternatively dispose or address? Is food hub – hub and spoke or are there small distribution centers along the way to make economical for small farmers and produce aggregated at distribution hub for wider regional – East Coast distribution? Food hub could grow over time as needs are met and you opportunities identified – should/could start to meet most pressing short-term, three years, need and build from over 5–10 years

3. Feeding millions

3.1. Many are farms and farmers

3.1.1. But the available farmland acres… Does that change? Can urban practices come to bear in communities where buildings are abandoned? New food manufacturing? Model? New food growing techniques – rooftops, multilevel farms Yes, but zoning and planning offices, government officials and others had to be brought into the conversation and have the vision for their communities Urban/community gardens Much acreage health/managed by conserve cry, state – do they encourage/seek out sustainable agriculture farms to lease to? Do they create opportunities on their own lands?

3.1.2. Yes, but can we do that in an environment sensitive way, without industrial system? We need to be open to learning new techniques and models.

3.2. SUMMARY: Area needs more farms and farmers including urban opportunities. We need to engage the state and local governments to engage in zoning practices that encourage a wide variety of agriculture.

4. Broader variety easier access for both consumers and farmers to markets

4.1. More things considered food, insects, other plants, more vegetarian choice

4.1.1. Native heritage crops and more pest resilience and more tolerant to drought/flood given potential climate changes. How can we increase heritage crops?

4.2. SUMMARY: The how, the what, and who to arrive at the vision that we want for agriculture in 2030 in this region. Mutually agreed upon in terms of the needs for education, BLDQ., infrastructure, aligning agricultural world with the societal and environmental sustainability.

4.2.1. Variety of local products offered as well as opportunities for farmers to offer these products

5. A system where everyone is food secure and worker safety is accounted for

5.1. How do we get there? Who are allies, i.e., ROC, unions? Others?

5.1.1. Can a cohesive collaborative consider farming? It will attract money

6. Diversified farms and healthy environment

6.1. What are the educational resources for commodity farmers to access to learn diversity value – add technique

6.1.1. Future harvest – CASA PASA food hub programs Education seems to focus on the next generation, shouldn't we be reaching out to our generation as were? Absolutely! Education should not marginalize age or anything Beginner farmer training – yes. But also transitional farming, how to change crops, markets, scales.

6.1.2. Farmer to farmer groups Great idea! Farmers trust farmers… We need to better understand farm culture if we want to have meaningful impact!

6.1.3. University of Maryland extension Other higher education institutions

6.1.4. Southern Maryland Agriculture Development Commission and Chesapeake Rockshed Network

6.1.5. Webinars. New England has been very successful in diversifying their farms U.M.D. extension; beginning farmer success website? Or California school site?

6.1.6. How are Midshore school systems and agriculture program teaching and addressing local food? Sustainable practices today? School farms and more food related environmental Ed and programs Tie into summer programs where most things grow work into standard curriculum. What happened to summer school? It used to be a bad thing, let's make it coveted Need to address all aspects including farming techniques, transportation ( CL Licenses), marketing, cooking, etc.

6.2. SUMMARY: transition to a more diversified food system(monoculture; industrialized agriculture) that is environmentally healthy. Resources needed to support transition/future food system- education in K-12; farmer training and organizational resources that support transition (ex. Beginner in farmer training; U.M.D. extension; FH – CASA) Other learning opportunities from other regions (New England/California)

7. Rising seas affecting the growing, distribution and population?

8. Will a new generation farm the land?

8.1. Yes, better educated generation

8.1.1. More agricultural education opportunities across school systems – not just rural I agree! Children/all citizens need to know where food comes from. And connection to healthy and prevention of chemical disease Yes! – And all should have ready access – local, nutritional food should not only be available to those who can afford it How many current Midshore public schools have gardens producing veggies/fruits that are part of school food/lunch programs – learn early – life long value? Let's develop a summer session to keep kids engaged – food, growing can be integrated with STEM topics!!! Target underprivileged that need it most.

8.2. We need a directed plan for retention and attraction of young farmers!

8.2.1. Agreed – we need to do this

8.3. Both individuals new to farming and individuals that grew up on the Shore's Farms being able to afford to stay

8.3.1. Role of immigrants Does this mean more immigrants asked to come to the shore? Are our schools ready? Immigrants are already here but our current food system doesn't factor in social justice and workers rights Are community outreach education organization is in place and growing?

8.4. SUMMARY: education of producers and consumers; role of immigrant workers in a new or changed workforce if changing production/processing of food, and how the communities handles that (schools, wages, visas, etc.)

9. A food system that is sustainable with a healthy Bay

10. How do you remain flexible different administration between now and then?

10.1. Find the right frame for each food is the unifying issue!

11. Distribution network established

11.1. Centralized, regional multidisciplinary hub

11.1.1. Transportation to a centralized food hub can even be problematic. Several smaller ones might work better Or multiple hubs could get USDA Grant funding and interconnect to help fill orders, etc. Yes – a whole food network of hubs, community gardens, home gardens… Economic models can help with questions of scale: many small or newer larger hubs