In one year...
by Alexandra Samuel
1. More effective marketing - more clients in my business - 100 more
1.1. spending two days/week on social media
2. Effective, modern forum for my writing - solid audience that has influence
3. Start using it at work: using it practically around recruitment and marketing
4. Change what people think
5. Earning a living through this
5.1. Taking the audience I have and making an income from it
5.2. Market my art
6. Bigger audience, interacting with them
7. Have a full understanding of social media tools, technologies, context
8. Create a go-to network of information sources for myself
9. Have a more solid audience - more focus
10. Greater visibility
11. Raise applicant numbers
12. Travel schedules, portfolios, etc. in one place
13. Accelerate partnerships around student visits
14. Celebrate alumni success