Learning Strategies

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Learning Strategies by Mind Map: Learning Strategies

1. I. Different Learning Strategies:

1.1. Communication

1.2. Begin Work Early

1.3. Engage With Classmates

1.4. Time Management

1.5. Access

1.6. Create A Study Space

1.7. Practice Good Netiquette

2. II. Combining Learning Strategies:

2.1. How can these three learning strategies go hand in hand with one another.

3. V. Begin Work Early/ Time Management:

3.1. How are these strategies similar?

3.2. How are these strategies different?

3.3. How can they be used to be more successful in online class?

4. IV. Access/ Create A Study Space:

4.1. How are these strategies similar?

4.2. How are these strategies different?

4.3. How can they be used to be more successful in online class

5. III. Communication/ Engage With Classmates/ Netiquette:

5.1. How are these strategies similar?

5.2. How are these strategies different?

5.3. How can they be used to be more successful in online class?

6. VI. Conclusion and resources:

6.1. There are of course many more learning strategies available but I feel that these seven are the most common and most helpful throughout online class. I never thought to group like ones together but it turns out to be helpful to me and hopefully it can be helpful to someone else.

6.2. http://www.mcw.edu/mphrogram/CurrentStudents/OnlineLearningStrategies.tm

6.3. http://advanced/ju.edu/hp/5-essential-online-learning-strategies/

6.4. http://masononline.gmu.edu/why-online/success/

6.5. http://www.ion.uillinois.edu/resources/tutorials/overview/strengthAndWeak,asp