Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner in Business Administration Can a...

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Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner in Business Administration Can an adult business administration student utilize digital tools and/or applications to enhance success in learning his field? There are currently ample quantities of easily accessible digital media, tools, and applications, making success in learning and applying business fundamentals simple and streamlined. by Mind Map: Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner in Business Administration Can an adult business administration student utilize digital tools and/or applications to enhance success in learning his field? There are currently ample quantities of easily accessible digital media, tools, and applications, making success in learning and applying business fundamentals simple and streamlined.

1. Starting a business, Learning and entrepreneurial skills

1.1. Business Model Canvas - The foundation of a business is it's business model. As an entrepreneur or business student you are constantly thinking about new business ideas and this tools allow you to take a step back and view your business idea from a big picture perspective.

1.2. Google for Entrepreneurs - An emerging and innovative business tool bringing entrepreneurs together where, free classes, tutorials, ideas, and practical applications of concepts as well as real life examples are shared.

1.3. LIVE VIDEO-BASED LEARNING is offered here. where one can go to watch videos containing knowledge about best business practice, marketing tips and much more-for free. This site is teeming with ideas and knowledge.

2. Organization and time management/planning

2.1. With the fast paced life of a modern day entrepreneur, things need to be organized and planned out. is one of the best digital tool to ensure you maximize your time as a business owner and student.

2.2. is another tool for success in keeping on top of your schoolwork.

3. Tools for writing papers and learning new concepts

3.1. As a business student, you are learning new concepts, ideas, and theories. It's been proven that writing about new concepts increases your understanding of it. The Consequences of Writing: Enhancing Learning in the Disciplines By Robert Prescott Parker.

3.1.1. WordPress - Creating your own blog is a great way to produce work where interest people can review and maybe even give feedback. Free writing about new concepts, ideas that you have, maybe a major problem you see with the content of learning, all of these increase your critical thinking and cognitive recall ability for the information you are featuring and thinking about in order to produce your writings.

3.2. Another good one where you can post work that you've completed - specifically writing is

4. Julie Petersen

4.1. Julie Petersen is a tutor and a blogger, who features the latest career and educational trends in her articles. At present time she is working on her first ebook dedicated to online learning.

5. Writing for Learning-- Not Just for Demonstrating Learning by Peter Elbow

5.1. Peter Elbow is an expert in his field - teaching about writing and has produced many works on the topic of writing to learn. He is a professor at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst and directed the writing program there for over 4 years


6.1. Allison Wignall is a professional researcher and current college student at the University of Iowa, regularly contributing to


7.1. Amber Mac is a bestselling author, TV host, speaker, and strategist. She has worked as a technology TV host with tech guru Leo Laporte on G4TechTV and currently co-hosts a popular show on Laporte's network. In June 2010, Amber wrote a book about how to use social media to build your brand.


8.1. 1 of every 6 adults in the U.S. struggles with basic literacy, and 1 in 3 struggle with basic math skills.

8.2. Over 62% of U.S. households own a computqer, and 55% of U.S. households have home access to the internet (2011)

8.3. “Technophobia” or “computerphobia” are phrases used by researchers to describe a condition in which a learner has “(a) resistance to talking about computers or even thinking about computers, (b) fear or anxiety towards computers, and (c) hostile or aggressive thoughts about computers” One study supported by Dell Computer found that 55% of Americans identify with one or more of the 3 components of technophobia