Differentiating Learning

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Differentiating Learning by Mind Map: Differentiating  Learning

1. Student 1: Second Grader Learning Profile: Linguistic (Word Smart) Interests: Reading Chapter Books, Playing Board Games, Crossword Puzzles, Loves Puppies Readiness: Exit Tickets (formative), Running Record, Comprehension Questions

1.1. Lesson or Series Title

1.2. Goals of Each Lesson

1.3. Objectives

1.4. Reasoning

1.5. Content

1.6. Method of Instruction

1.7. Method of Evaluation

2. Student 1 Strategies: Teaching Strategy 1: Guided Reading Lesson in small group. Before reading teacher will introduce the text "Caring for My Puppy", ask students to pay attention to what happens in the Beginning, Middle, and End. Introduce 3 new vocabulary words, model decoding strategy for solving difficult words, then have students practice with you. After reading go back to teacher point with comprehension questions & having students point out any words that were difficult while reading. Teaching Strategy 2: During Centers, have student work at Vocabulary Center with a partner. Student will be given strips of words to match up with separate strips that have definitions. Have student pick two of the vocabulary words they did and write in their journal without looking at words (if possible).

2.1. Materials

2.2. People

2.3. Facilities

3. Objective: SWBAT Read a text and identify what happens in the Beginning, Middle, and End of story; Also, solve problematic words with Decoding Strategies. SWBAT learn new vocabulary words during centers with learning strategies tailored to interests.

4. Student 1: Second Grader--ELL Student Learning Profile: Visual/Spatial Learner (Picture Smart) Interests: Drawing, Video Games, Puzzles, Matching Games, Maps Readiness: Exit Tickets (formative), Running Record, Journal Entries

4.1. Main objective 1

4.1.1. Task

4.1.2. Prerequisites

4.2. Main objective 2

4.2.1. Task

4.2.2. Prerequisites

4.3. Main objective 3

4.3.1. Task

4.3.2. Prerequisites

5. Student 2 Strategies: Teaching Strategy 1: Guided Reading Lesson in small group. Before reading teacher will introduce the text "Caring for My Puppy", ask students to pay attention to what happens in the Beginning, Middle, and End. For Student 2 identify B-M-E marking those pages with bright post-it notes, modeling beginning for student. Introduce 3 new vocabulary words with a picture under the definition, model decoding strategy for solving difficult words by writing on board and covering parts of words to sound out so that they can visually see the word being taken apart then put back together., then have students practice with you. After reading go back to teacher point with comprehension questions & having students point out any words that were difficult while reading. Teaching Strategy 2: During same center time student will begin creating an "All About Me" Online Poster about themselves. Here they will create an online figure that looks like them and the things they like. http://www.artskills.com/gallery/poster-categories/school-signs-and-events/all-about-me-poster-130307

5.1. Review

5.2. Goals

5.3. Set context

6. Learning Profiles & Interests: A "Getting To Know You" Student Learning Profile Survey allows teachers a way to learn how to guide instructional planning and differentiate lessons accordingly. This is critical information for a teacher trying to reach her student.