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MyDemo Demo System создатель Mind Map: MyDemo Demo System

1. Licensing

1.1. Free License 1 Product Only 1 Admin Only No Advert Additions No Support

1.2. Alpha / Beta License Unlimited Products Unlimited Admins Alpha / Beta Versions only Free Helpdesk Support £1 per month

1.3. Leased License

1.4. Owned License

1.5. Developer License

1.6. Reseller Licenses

2. Plugins

2.1. Official Plugins addable onto billing

2.2. 3rd Party Plugins available

2.3. Plugin Browser in system?

2.3.1. Automatic Updates globally?

3. Templates

3.1. Official Templates in Clients Area

3.2. 3rd Party Templates in Community Forum

3.3. Fully Customisable Templating

4. Versioning

4.1. Alphas known as [VERSION]a (e.g 0.1a)

4.2. Betas known as [VERSION]b (e.g 0.1b)

4.3. RCs known as [VERSION]rc[NO] (e.g 0.9rc1)

5. Features

5.1. Automatic timer (Editable in Settings)

5.2. Easy to use Admin Area

5.3. Manual Reset per product

5.4. Change Adverts

5.5. Javascript for ads?

5.6. Install via ZIP, Config File Template and SQL

6. Support

6.1. Helpdesk Support in Billing Area

6.2. Community Forum Support

6.3. Knowledgebase

6.4. Wiki?

7. Languages

7.1. Default is English

7.2. 3rd Party Languages Available for DL