Australian Curriculum: Technologies

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Australian Curriculum: Technologies by Mind Map: Australian Curriculum: Technologies

1. Cross Curricular Priorities

1.1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures

1.2. Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia

1.3. Sustainability

2. Year Level/ Band Level

2.1. Foundation to Year 2

2.2. Year 3 to Year 4

2.3. Year 5 to Year 6

2.4. Year 7 to Year 8

2.5. Year 9 to Year 10

3. Content Descriptions

3.1. Technologies in the Australian Curriculum include content descriptions at each of the year levels. These content descriptors give information on the knowledge, understanding and skills that is expected of the teacher when educating the students.

3.2. The Content descriptions are ordered so that the students learning is developed and expanded in a sequential method.

4. Content Elaborations

4.1. In the Australian Curriculum the content elaborations are the materials provided to future support the learning. They provide the teacher with examples and ideas of how to understand the content descriptors.

5. Design and Technologies

5.1. Strand 1: Design and Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

5.1.1. Technologies and Society Understanding the use, development and impact of technologies in society.

5.1.2. Technologies Context Technologies and design across a range of technologies contexts.

5.2. Strand 2: Design and Technologies Processes and Production Skills

5.2.1. Creating Solutions by: Investigating and defining Designing Producing Implementing Evaluating Collaborating Managing

6. Achievement Standards

6.1. Indicate the value of learning that the students should obtain/demonstrate by a certain point in their learning. In the technology subject the sequence of the achievement states the progress in the learning area, identifying the expected learning. The teachers then have a framework to develop and build across each of the technologies subjects.

7. Key Concepts

7.1. Abstraction

7.2. Data Collection, Representation and Interpretation

7.3. Digital Systems

7.4. Interactions and Impacts

7.5. Specification, Algorithms and Implementation

8. General Capibilities

8.1. Literacy (LIT)

8.2. Numeracy (NUM)

8.3. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

8.4. Critical and Creative Thinking (CCT)

8.5. Personal and Social Capability (PSC)

8.6. Ethical Understanding (EU)

8.7. Intercultural Understanding (ICU)

9. Digital Technologies

9.1. Strand 1: Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding

9.1.1. Digital Systems Components of Digital Systems: Hardware, Software and networks and their use.

9.1.2. Representation of Data Understanding how data is represented and created symbolically.

9.2. Strand 2: Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills

9.2.1. Collecting, Managing and Analysing Data Creating Solutions By Investigating and Defining Generating and Designing Producing and implementing Evaluating Collaborating and Managing

10. Key Ideas

10.1. Project Manegement

10.1.1. Students begin to acquire certain skills when managing projects through planning, organising and monitoring tasks through using recourses.

10.1.2. Students begin to reduce risks through management and assessment. Evaluate and communicate with peers and share ideas within groups.

10.1.3. Sustainability is introduced when managing resources with projects (across all areas of curriculum).

10.2. Thinking in Technologies

10.2.1. Systems Thinking Holistic approach to solving problems and how to view these problems interactions and interrelationships with each other to see how these interactions influence the system.

10.2.2. Design Thinking Students use the strategies for understanding designing needs and opportunities to create visual and innovating ideas through planning and evaluating their ideas that meet the criteria for success.

10.2.3. Computational Thinking Problem Solving method that students can apply to certain situations to create solutions that can be used and implemented using digital technologies.

10.3. Information and Communication technology In the Australian Curriculum

10.3.1. Safety Identify and manage the risk in learning with technology, understanding the safe use of technologies.

10.3.2. Animal Ethics Teaching activities that involve caring, using and interacting with animals. These activities must comply with the ‘Australian code of practice for the car and use of animals for scientific purposes.'

11. Subjects

11.1. Design and Technologies

11.2. Digital Technologies

12. Curriculum Aims and Objectives

12.1. Students obtain the knowledge and understanding to investigate, design, and create and solve/evaluate solutions.

12.2. Students learn to use innovative contemporary technologies understanding how they have developed over time.

12.3. Understand the impact of technology in the environment, economy and society and how to make decisions about the role they play.

12.4. Apply knowledge and engage confidently and responsibly to use appropriate technologies and the materials when designing solutions.

12.5. Evaluate problems and needs/ opportunities to create and identify solutions to these.

13. Student Diversity

13.1. Students with Disability

13.2. Gifted and talented students

13.3. English as an Additional Dialect or Language Students