The Personal MBA Reading List (2016 Edition)

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The Personal MBA Reading List (2016 Edition) by Mind Map: The Personal MBA Reading List  (2016 Edition)

1. Productivity & Effectiveness

1.1. Getting Things Done

1.1.1. by David Allen (2015)

1.1.2. Book information 288 pages

1.1.3. Book in Nutshell

1.2. The Power of Full Engagement

1.2.1. by Jim Loehr & Tony Schwartz (2005)

1.2.2. Book information 256 pages

1.2.3. Book in Nutshell

1.3. StrengthsFinder 2.0

1.3.1. by Tom Rath (2007)

1.3.2. Book information 175 pages

1.3.3. Book in Nutshell

1.4. Bit Literacy

1.4.1. by Mark Hurst (2007)

1.4.2. Book information 192 pages

1.4.3. Book in Nutshell

1.5. 10 Days to Faster Reading

1.5.1. by Abby Marks-Beale (2001)

1.5.2. Book information 224 pages

1.5.3. Book in Nutshell

2. Problem Solving

2.1. The 80/20 Principle

2.1.1. by Richard Koch (1999)

2.1.2. Book information 288 pages

2.1.3. Book in Nutshell

2.2. Accidental Genius

2.2.1. by Mark Levy (2010)

2.2.2. Book information 192 pages

2.2.3. Book in Nutshell

2.3. Learning from the Future

2.3.1. by Liam Fahey & Robert Randall (1997)

2.3.2. Book information 464 pages

2.3.3. Book in Nutshell

3. Behavioral Change

3.1. The Power of Less

3.1.1. by Leo Babauta (2009)

3.1.2. Book information 192 pages

3.1.3. Book in Nutshell

3.2. The Path of Least Resistance

3.2.1. by Robert Fritz (1989)

3.2.2. Book information 320 pages

3.2.3. Book in Nutshell

3.3. Re-Create Your Life

3.3.1. by Morty Lefkoe (2003)

3.3.2. Book information 256 pages

3.3.3. Book in Nutshell

3.4. Self-Directed Behavior

3.4.1. by David L. Watson & Roland G. Tharp (2013)

3.4.2. Book information 368 pages

3.4.3. Book in Nutshell

4. The Human Mind

4.1. Thinking, Fast and Slow

4.1.1. by Daniel Kahneman (2013)

4.1.2. Book information 512 pages

4.1.3. Book in Nutshell

4.2. Brain Rules

4.2.1. by John Medina (2014)

4.2.2. Book information 304 pages

4.2.3. Book in Nutshell

4.3. Making Sense of Behavior

4.3.1. by William T. Powers (1998)

4.3.2. Book information 180 pages

4.3.3. Book in Nutshell

4.4. Driven

4.4.1. by Paul Lawrence & Nitin Nohria (2002)

4.4.2. Book information 352 pages

4.4.3. Book in Nutshell

4.5. Deep Survival

4.5.1. by Laurence Gonzales (2004)

4.5.2. Book information 318 pages

4.5.3. Book in Nutshell

5. Communication

5.1. On Writing Well

5.1.1. by William Zinsser (2006)

5.1.2. Book information 336 pages

5.1.3. Book in Nutshell

5.2. Presentation Zen

5.2.1. by Garr Reynolds (2011)

5.2.2. Book information 312 pages

5.2.3. Book in Nutshell

5.3. Made to Stick

5.3.1. Chip and Dan Heath (2007)

5.3.2. Book information 291 pages

5.3.3. Book in Nutshell

5.4. The Copywriter’s Handbook

5.4.1. by Robert Bly (2006)

5.4.2. Book information 432 pages

5.4.3. Book in Nutshell

5.5. Show Me The Numbers

5.5.1. by Stephen Few (2012)

5.5.2. Book information 371 pages

5.5.3. Book in Nutshell

6. Influence

6.1. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

6.1.1. by Robert B. Cialdini (2006)

6.1.2. Book information 336 pages

6.1.3. Book in Nutshell

6.2. How to Win Friends and Influence People

6.2.1. by Dale Carnegie (1998)

6.2.2. Book information 288 pages

6.2.3. Book in Nutshell

6.3. Crucial Conversations

6.3.1. by Kerry Patterson (2011)

6.3.2. Book information 272 pages

6.3.3. Book in Nutshell

6.4. The 48 Laws of Power

6.4.1. by Robert Greene (2000)

6.4.2. Book information 452 pages

6.4.3. Book in Nutshell

7. Decision-Making

7.1. Sources of Power: How People Make Decisions

7.1.1. by Gary Klein (1999)

7.1.2. Book information 352 pages

7.1.3. Book in Nutshell

7.2. Smart Choices

7.2.1. by John S. Hammond (2002)

7.2.2. Book information 256 pages

7.2.3. Book in Nutshell

7.3. Ethics for the Real World

7.3.1. by Ronald Howard & Clinton Korver (2008)

7.3.2. Book information 224 pages

7.3.3. Book in Nutshell

8. Creativity & Innovation

8.1. The Creative Habit

8.1.1. by Twyla Tharp (2006)

8.1.2. Book information 256 pages

8.1.3. Book in Nutshell

8.2. Myths of Innovation

8.2.1. by Scott Berkun (2010)

8.2.2. Book information 248 pages

8.2.3. Book in Nutshell

8.3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship

8.3.1. by Peter F. Drucker (2006)

8.3.2. Book information 288 pages

8.3.3. Book in Nutshell

9. Project Management

9.1. Making Things Happen

9.1.1. by Scott Berkun (2008)

9.1.2. Book information 410 pages

9.1.3. Book in Nutshell

9.2. Results Without Authority

9.2.1. by Tom Kendrick (2012)

9.2.2. Book information 288 pages

9.2.3. Book in Nutshell

10. Business Creation

10.1. Go It Alone

10.1.1. by Bruce Judson (2009)

10.1.2. Book Information 240 pages

10.1.3. Book in Nutshell

10.2. The Lean Start-up

10.2.1. by Eric Ries (2011)

10.2.2. Book Information

10.2.3. Book in Nutshell

10.3. Street Smart

10.3.1. by Norm Brodsky & Bo Burlingham (2010)

10.3.2. Book Information 288 pages

10.3.3. Book in Nutshell

10.4. Ready, Fire, Aim

10.4.1. by Michael Masterson (2011)

10.4.2. Book Information 400 pages

10.4.3. Book in Nutshell

10.5. Escape from Cubicle Nation

10.5.1. by Pamela Slim (2009)

10.5.2. Book Information 352 pages

10.5.3. Book in Nutshell

10.6. Bankable Business Plans

10.6.1. by Edward Rogoff (2007)

10.6.2. Book Information 275 pages

10.6.3. Book in Nutshell

11. Value-Creation & Testing

11.1. Rework

11.1.1. by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson (2010)

11.1.2. Book Information 288 pages

11.1.3. Book in Nutshell

11.2. The New Business Road Test

11.2.1. John Mullins (2013)

11.2.2. Book Information 344 pages

11.2.3. Book in Nutshell

11.3. How to Make Millions with Your Ideas

11.3.1. Dan Kennedy (1996)

11.3.2. Book Information 272 pages

11.3.3. Book in Nutshell

12. Marketing

12.1. All Marketers Are Liars

12.1.1. by Seth Godin (2012)

12.1.2. Book information 240 pages

12.1.3. Book in Nutshell

12.2. Permission Marketing

12.2.1. by Seth Godin (1999)

12.2.2. Book information 256 pages

12.2.3. Book in Nutshell

12.3. The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

12.3.1. by Al Ries & Jack Trout (1994)

12.3.2. Book information 143 pages

12.3.3. Book in Nutshell

12.4. Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got

12.4.1. by Jay Abraham (2001)

12.4.2. Untitled 384 pages

12.4.3. Book in Nutshell

13. Sales

13.1. The Psychology of Selling

13.1.1. by Brian Tracy (2006)

13.1.2. Book information 240 pages

13.1.3. Book in Nutshell

13.2. Pitch Anything

13.2.1. by Oren Klaff (2011)

13.2.2. Book information 240 pages

13.2.3. Book in Nutshell

13.3. The Ultimate Sales Machine

13.3.1. by Chet Holmes (2008)

13.3.2. Book information 272 pages

13.3.3. Book in Nutshell

13.4. Value-Based Fees

13.4.1. by Alan Weiss (2008)

13.4.2. Book information 288 pages

13.4.3. Book in Nutshell

13.5. SPIN Selling

13.5.1. by Neil Rackham (1998)

13.5.2. Book information 216 pages

13.5.3. Book in Nutshell

14. Value-Delivery

14.1. Indispensable

14.1.1. by Joe Calloway (2005)

14.1.2. Book information 240 pages

14.1.3. Book in Nutshell

14.2. The Goal

14.2.1. by Eliyahu Goldratt (2014)

14.2.2. Book information 362 pages

14.2.3. Book in Nutshell

14.3. Lean Thinking

14.3.1. by James Womack and Daniel Jones (2003)

14.3.2. Book information 396 pages

14.3.3. Book in Nutshell

15. Design

15.1. The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition

15.1.1. by Donald Norman (2013)

15.1.2. Book information 368 pages

15.1.3. Book in Nutshell

15.2. Universal Principles of Design Revised and Updated

15.2.1. by William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, and Jill Butler (2010)

15.2.2. Book information 272 pages

15.2.3. Book in Nutshell

16. Negotiation

16.1. Bargaining For Advantage

16.1.1. by G. Richard Shell (2006)

16.1.2. Book information 320 pages

16.1.3. Book in Nutshell

16.2. 3-D Negotiation

16.2.1. by David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius (2006)

16.2.2. Book information 304 pages

16.2.3. Book in Nutshell

16.3. The Partnership Charter

16.3.1. by David Gage (2004)

16.3.2. Book information 272 pages

16.3.3. Book in Nutshell

17. Management

17.1. First, Break All The Rules

17.1.1. by Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman (1999)

17.1.2. Book information 271 pages

17.1.3. Book in Nutshell

17.2. 12: The Elements of Great Managing

17.2.1. by Rodd Wagner & James Harter (2006)

17.2.2. Book information 237 pages

17.2.3. Book in Nutshell

17.3. Growing Great Employees

17.3.1. by Erika Andersen (2007)

17.3.2. Book information 304 pages

17.3.3. Book in Nutshell

17.4. The Essential Drucker

17.4.1. by Peter F. Drucker (2008)

17.4.2. Book information 368 pages

17.4.3. Book in Nutshell

17.5. The Halo Effect

17.5.1. by Phil Rosenzweig (2014)

17.5.2. Book information 288 pagegs

17.5.3. Book in Nutshell

18. Leadership

18.1. Tribes

18.1.1. by Seth Godin (2008)

18.1.2. Book information 160 pages

18.1.3. Book in Nutshell

18.2. Total Leadership

18.2.1. by Stewart Friedman (2014)

18.2.2. Book information 272 pages

18.2.3. Book in Nutshell

18.3. What Got You Here Won't Get You There

18.3.1. by Marshall Goldsmith (2007)

18.3.2. Book information 256 pages

18.3.3. Book in Nutshell

18.4. The New Leader’s 100-Day Action Plan

18.4.1. by George Bradt (2011)

18.4.2. Book information 352 pages

18.4.3. Book in Nutshell

19. Finance & Accounting

19.1. Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs

19.1.1. by Karen Berman & Joe Knight (2008)

19.1.2. Book information 304 pages

19.1.3. Book in Nutshell

19.2. Simple Numbers, Straight Talk, Big Profits

19.2.1. by Greg Crabtree (2014)

19.2.2. Book information 192 pages

19.2.3. Book in Nutshell

19.3. The 1% Windfall

19.3.1. by Rafi Mohammed (2010)

19.3.2. Book Information 256 pages

19.3.3. Book in Nutshell

19.4. Accounting Made Simple

19.4.1. by Mike Piper (2013)

19.4.2. Book information 114 pages

19.4.3. Book in Nutshell

19.5. How to Read a Financial Report

19.5.1. by John A. Tracy

19.5.2. Book information 240 pages

19.5.3. Book in Nutshell

19.6. Venture Deals

19.6.1. by Brad Feld & Jason Mendelson (2012)

19.6.2. Book information 272 pages

19.6.3. Book in Nutshell

20. Systems

20.1. Thinking in Systems

20.1.1. by Donella Meadows (2008)

20.1.2. Book information 240 pages

20.1.3. Book in Nutshell

20.2. Work the System

20.2.1. by Sam Carpenter (2011)

20.2.2. Book information 304 pages

20.2.3. Book in Nutshell

21. Analysis

21.1. Thinking Statistically

21.1.1. by Uri Bram (2013)

21.1.2. Book information 78 pages

21.1.3. Book in Nutshell

21.2. Turning Numbers Into Knowledge

21.2.1. by Jonathan Koomey (2008)

21.2.2. Book information 247 pages

21.2.3. Book in Nutshell

21.3. How to Lie with Statistics

21.3.1. by Darrell Huff (1993)

21.3.2. Book information 144 pages

21.3.3. Book in Nutshell

21.4. Marketing Metrics

21.4.1. by Paul W. Farris (2010)

21.4.2. Book information 432 pages

21.4.3. Book in Nutshell

21.5. The Economist Numbers Guide (6th Edt.)

21.5.1. by Richard Stuteley (2014)

21.5.2. Book information 272 pages

21.5.3. Book in Nutshell

22. Corporate Skills

22.1. The Unwritten Laws of Business

22.1.1. by W.J. King (2007)

22.1.2. Book information 112 pages

22.1.3. Book in Nutshell

22.2. The Effective Executive

22.2.1. by Peter Drucker (2006)

22.2.2. Book information 208 pages

22.2.3. Book in Nutshell

22.3. The Simplicity Survival Handbook

22.3.1. by Bill Jensen (2003)

22.3.2. Book information 320 pages

22.3.3. Book in Nutshell

22.4. Hire With Your Head

22.4.1. by Lou Adler (2007)

22.4.2. Book information 320 pages

22.4.3. Book in Nutshell

23. Corporate Strategy

23.1. Purpose

23.1.1. by Nikos Mourkogiannis (2008)

23.1.2. Book information 272 pages

23.1.3. Book in Nutshell

23.2. Competitive Strategy

23.2.1. by Michael Porter (1998)

23.2.2. Book information 397 pages

23.2.3. Book in Nutshell

23.3. Blue Ocean Strategy, Expanded Edition

23.3.1. by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne (2015)

23.3.2. Book information 256 pages

23.3.3. Book in Nutshell

23.4. Seeing What’s Next

23.4.1. by Clayton M. Christensen, Erik A. Roth, Scott D. Anthony (2004)

23.4.2. Book information 325 pages

23.4.3. Book in Nutshell

24. Consulting

24.1. Getting Started in Consulting

24.1.1. by Alan Weiss (2009)

24.1.2. Book information 320 pages

24.1.3. Book in Nutshell

24.2. Secrets of Consulting

24.2.1. by Gerald M. Weinberg (1986)

24.2.2. Book information 228 pages

24.2.3. Book in Nutshell

25. Personal Finance

25.1. Your Money or Your Life

25.1.1. by Joel Dominguez & Vicki Robin (2008)

25.1.2. Book information 384 pages

25.1.3. Book in Nutshell

25.2. The Millionaire Next Door

25.2.1. by Thomas Stanley & William Danko (2010)

25.2.2. Book information 272 pages

25.2.3. Book in Nutshell

25.3. I Will Teach You To Be Rich

25.3.1. by Ramit Sethi (2009)

25.3.2. Book information 266 pages

25.3.3. Book in Nutshell

25.4. Fail-Safe Investing

25.4.1. by Harry Browne (2001)

25.4.2. Book information 176 pages

25.4.3. Book in Nutshell

26. Personal Growth

26.1. Lead the Field

26.1.1. by Earl Nightingale (2002)

26.1.2. Book information

26.1.3. Book in Nutshell

26.2. The Art of Exceptional Living

26.2.1. by Jim Rohn (2003)

26.2.2. Book information

26.2.3. Book in Nutshell

26.3. A Guide to the Good Life

26.3.1. by William Braxton Irvine (2008)

26.3.2. Book information 336 pages

26.3.3. Book in Nutshell

27. About

27.1. Andrius Zygmanta

27.1.1. LinkedIn

27.1.2. Twitter