1. Video Lesson
1.1. Course: Gr.9/10 Band
1.2. Assessment
1.2.1. Formative: one on one lesson, where students demonstrate fundamentals of posture, tone production, articulation, and pulse.
1.2.2. Summative: "How To" or "How NOT To" Video. Students may also pair up in groups of two, but more will be expected from the video.
1.3. Outcomes
1.3.1. Curricular: L- Music Language and Performance Skills: Students develop understanding of and facility with elements, concepts, and techniques for making music.
1.3.2. ICT Cognitive: C-2.1 discuss information, ideas, and electronic work using tools for electronic communication C-3.1 adjusts communication based on self-evaluation and feedback from a global audience Pr-1.2 composes text, records sound, sketches images, graphs data, and/or creates video. Affective: S-1.1 identifies uses of ICT at home, school, and work, and in community M-1.3 recalls prior knowledge of procedures for troubleshooting and attempts to solve ICT problems.
1.4. Materials: video camera (laptop, smart phone, cam corder), instrument, video editing software (iMovie), computer lab, camera partner
1.5. Objectives: As a result of this lesson/assignment, students will strengthen their instrument fundamentals through teaching. Students will self-assess their strengths and weaknesses, and make self-reflection a habit contributing to good musicianship.
1.6. Sequence
1.6.1. Activate: Review fundamentals through daily warm-ups
1.6.2. Acquire: ask students to explain what good music habits are and how to execute them
1.6.3. Apply: make a video!
2. Maps Lesson
2.1. GOOGLE MAPS Lesson Plan
2.1.1. Course: 40S ELA Literary Focus Can also be adapted for Music, Visual Art, and History. Unit: Many Parts Make a Whole; Tracing Your Influence
2.1.2. Objectives As a result of these lessons/this assignment, students will have a better understanding and appreciation for the types of literature they enjoy through research of lineage of influences. Students will also understand how aspects of a genre can be transformed into something new.
2.1.3. Outcomes Curricular: 5.2.2- Relate Texts to Culture: Identify and examine ways in which texts reflect cultural and societal influences. 5.2.1- Share and Compare Responses: Consider various ideas, evidence, and viewpoints to expand understanding of texts, others, and self. 4.4.1-Share Ideas and Information: Present ideas and information using a variety of print and other resources and interactive approaches. 3.1.1-Use Personal Knowledge: Determine inquiry or research focus based on personal knowledge and interests and on others’ expertise. 3.3.4- Develop New Understanding: Integrate new information with prior knowledge to draw logical conclusions and to refine understanding; consider alternative ways of reaching ICT Cognitive: P-3.2 design own electronic plan G-3.2 assess textual, numerical, aural, and visual info, as well as media sources, to determine context, perspective, and bias. Pr-3.1 designs and creates non-sequential ICT representations Affective: E-1.3 recognizes the need to acknowledge authorship of intellectual property
2.1.4. Materials Google Maps, Internet, Search Engines, Computer Lab, rough draft sketch
2.1.5. Sequence Activation: students will reflect prior knowledge on their influences and inspirations. "What makes you YOU? What interests, experiences [good and bad] made you the person you are today? How do you predict you will change as new influences enter your life?" Acquire: In class lessons on how Shakespeare has influenced the English language, a look at the literary period timeline and how it compares/aligns with music and world history timelines. Also looking at where the people from these historical were, and the geographical tracking of their influence. Apply: Summative Assignment!
2.1.6. Assessment Formative: reflections on what qualities they like in literature (do they prefer fiction? Non-fiction? Poetry? Suspense? Eloquent language? Twists?) Compose short stories and poetry as activation exercises; how would you describe your writing style? Who or what do you think it is influence by? Summative: Select an author (or poet/songwriter) you feel your writing is influenced by and retrace THEIR influences back at least 4 (no more than 7) people. Through research (reading/viewing/listening), briefly describe the aspect of their literature that influenced the next person. THEN, on Google Maps, plot each person in a separate layer and attach a photo and/or sample of their literature (or music, painting, etc.) The first layer will be YOU, the next layer your immediate influence, the third your influences influence, etc.
3. PODCAST Lesson
3.1. Objectives
3.1.1. As a result of this lesson, students will relate their music practices, preferences, and processes to that of professional musicians. Students will gain awareness of common music etiquettes and habits that contribute to successful music making.
3.2. Outcomes
3.2.1. Curricular: M–V4 students assess their learning in performing, creating, and experiencing music. M–U3 students demonstrate understanding of the roles, purposes, and meanings of music in the lives of individuals and in communities.
3.2.2. ICT Cognitive: P-2.1 constructs "how and why" questions, predictions, hypothesis, and identifies information needs P-3.1evaluates original inquiry questions and creates new questions for future inquiry G-1.4 collects primary data using electronic devices Affective: Co-1.1 works with other in teacher-directed learning tasks using ICT and assists others with ICT knowledge and procedures
3.3. Materials
3.3.1. Recording device (Smart phone, ZOOM Recorder, Voice Memo Recorder), Audio Editing Software (Garageband, Audacity), Soundcloud account, Members of WJO or WSO (either they come to our school for an outreach concert, or we take a field trip to Winnipeg and arrange to visit with them after their concert)
3.4. Over a series of 4-6 rehearsals, while working on our concert repertoire, students will be given specific rehearsal strategies to focus on for sight reading, tuning, listening across the ensemble, listening to new works, as well as strategies for private practice (metronome work, diagnosing and fixing technical problems, drill and kill, slow practice, partner practice, sectional work)
3.5. Sequence
3.5.1. Activation Watch composer/musician interviews, answer questions (interview subjects dependent on student interest...ex) Kendrick Lamar, Joni Mitchell, Leonard Bernstein, Maria Schneider, etc.
3.5.2. Acquire
3.5.3. Apply Students will test a variety of rehearsal and practice strategies and reflect on their effectiveness/how they changed their perspective and performance in Reflective Journals, which will later contribute to their Group Podcast Series.
3.6. Assessent
3.6.1. Formative Exit slips, asking students about their favourite and least favourite types of music to perform and to just listen to, their influences for making music, what they like and dislike about their instrument and the role that comes with it, their thinking processes in context of full rehearsals and private practice.
3.6.2. Summative GROUP Podcast Series: Using findings from their Reflective Journals, students will develop questions for members of the Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra and/or Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra. The questions should be prefaced with students own personal experiences, feelings, and attitudes towards processes, practices, and preferences, enabling the students to converse and relate to the professional musicians. Groups of 3-4 will be selected by the students and approved by the teacher. Group members will work together [with one teacher conference before the interviews] to focus and balance their variety of questions so their podcast has a variety of engaging insight. The podcast will include a title, transition music, introductions to the interviews, and a conclusive group panel discussion on what the students have learned through their process of experimentation and interviewing.
3.7. Course: Band, Gr.7-12
3.7.1. Unit: Musical Processes Essential Questions: How can I be a successful musician? What habits and processes do professionals in the music business attribute to their success? How different are professional musicians from everyday music appreciators?
4. Collaborative Lesson
4.1.1. Course: Gr.11 Biology Unit: Wellness and Homeostasis
4.1.2. Objectives: As a result of this unit, students will understand and use the terminology in discussing plant processes and systems of transportation. Students will understand these processes and how they impact our environment.
4.1.3. Outcomes Curricular: B11-1-06: Identify life processes that individual cells, as well as complex organisms, need to manage. B11-1-07: Explain how cell membranes regulate movement of materials into and out of cells, and recognize the importance of this regulation in managing life processes and maintaining homeostasis. B11-1-08: Identify factors that influence movement of substances across a membrane, recognizing that movement of these substances is important for the internal balance of the cell. ICT Cognitive: G-1.3 records data or makes notes on gathered information and ideas using given categories and given ICT C-1.1 displays and/or discusses electronic work Affective: Co-1.1 works with others in teacher-directed learning tasks using ICT and assists others with ICT knowledge and procedures Co-2.2 collaborates with others over distance using ICT Co-3.1 leads a group in the process of collaborative learning
4.1.4. Assessment Formative: lab report, definitions quiz Summative: students will present a skit or create a short movie on plant systems and processes. Students must discuss the following terminology and how it relates to the processes/our everyday experiences in the Earth environment: passive transport, active transport, endo/exocytosis, diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, hypotonic solution, hypertonic solution, isotonic solution, homeostasis. Students are encouraged to be as creative with their skits/videos as possible. Must not be longer than 20 minutes. Groups should decide who will be in charge of 1) incorporating terminology 2) scripting the skit 3) props and/or video editing. Ultimately, everyone should have a part of every process, but having people in charge to make sure that they are completed will make your group work go much more smoothly.
4.1.5. Sequence Activate Acquire: iron iodide lab Apply: skit/video!
4.1.6. Materials Google Documents, Search Engine,