Differentiating to Meet Student Needs (4th grade Spanish Immersion)

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Differentiating to Meet Student Needs (4th grade Spanish Immersion) by Mind Map: Differentiating to Meet Student Needs (4th grade Spanish Immersion)

1. For this lesson I prepared a quiz let activity which covers new and past vocabulary. Because it is an immersion classroom Quizlet cards show only the word in Spanish along with a visual or picture. After reviewing the cards the students play a matching game as a class in which they pair the correct word with the image before heading to their center. This is a great activity for Mari who enjoys visuals and smart board activities.

2. When possible, teacher works one on one with Miguel on reading/writing activity using new words relating to the lesson. He is asked to write out the script he will use before creating his Storyboardthat. Miguel uses flashcards and a word bank to review vocabulary.

3. For this activity Miguel is encouraged to create a Storyboardthat comic on the computer as a cumulative assessment of his knowledge. He enjoys working independently and prefers this to joining in at the centers. However, he is paired with a second student to encourage his social skills. Miguel and his partner use the outline script in order to complete the activity and have access to an online dictionary.

4. Mari is given a tic-tac-toe chart listing activities to be completed by the end of class. She can choose the order in which to complete them by visiting centers in the classroom and mark them off as she goes.

5. Mari: Has never taken Spanish and struggles in class. Mari is a visual learner and loves videos and any smart board activities or games with pictures. Mari marches to her own tune and is very independent sometimes a bit reluctant to participate if she is not interested in an activity.

6. Miguel is from El Salvador, he speaks Spanish at home but his writing and reading skills are at a pre-k level. His ELL teacher says he would benefit from some support in these areas in Spanish. Miguel loves art and keeps a journal where he draws comics. He is very shy and tends to not speak much during class.

7. Objective: At the end of this lesson students will be able to initiate a question with please (por favor) when asking a classmate or teacher to borrow classroom materials. Students will be able to say thank you in response when given a classroom material.