Lesson #1 Technologies Curriculum Digital Technologies Strand Topic: Coding

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Lesson #1 Technologies Curriculum Digital Technologies Strand Topic: Coding by Mind Map: Lesson #1  Technologies Curriculum Digital Technologies Strand  Topic: Coding

1. Introduction

1.1. Link to Prior Knowledge : Students will share one thing that they wrote on their class blog from the week prior’s activities.

1.2. Build on Prior Knowledge : Explain to the students that today we are introducing the topic of coding. Think Pair Share Activity – “What do you think coding means?” Begin a class brainstorm on the interactive whiteboard which will then be saved to the class blog on the new ‘Coding’ page.

1.2.1. Introduction to Coding Interactive Whiteboard ‘What is Coding?’ Video – Hour of Code https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKhVupvyhKk Share ideas and create a Mindmeister Map

2. Conclusion

2.1. Write on Class Blog Once the students have completed their activities, they will review what they have learnt by commenting on today’s post on the class blog in their pairs. Students will be asked to define coding and to list at least three different items that involve coding. Students will also write one thing they learnt from today’s lesson and will also write one thing that they would like to learn about coding.

2.1.1. Class Blog

3. Year 4

3.1. Link so SCSA: Content Descriptors

3.1.1. Different types of data, and the same data, can be represented in different ways (ACTDIK008) - Exploring codes and symbols that are representations of data.

3.2. Prior Knowledge:

3.2.1. Students are familiar with posting on the class blog and accessing/using internet, websites and hyperlinks. This allows the focus of this lesson to be the introduction of coding without having to stop to explain the process of how to use the class blog and how to access the Hour of Code website.

4. Body

4.1. Students will now use the laptops in pairs to collaboratively work through the “Fix the Game” activity in the “Hour of Code” program. This explicitly explains step by step how coding is used and how changing algorithms effects the end product. This interactive program allows the students to learn and explore computational thinking at their own pace. This video highlights exactly what needs to be done each step of the way, deepening and scaffolding student’s learning.

4.1.1. Set of Laptops ‘Fix the Game’ Activity – Hour of Code https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glCMn3VkQFk

5. Specific Learning Goals

5.1. Define that a code is a representation of data that acts as a set of instructions for computers to understand.

5.2. List at least 5 different examples of coding or where it is found, e.g. in computers, in watches.

5.3. Complete the ‘Fix the Game’ activity on Hour of Code.

5.4. Assessment

5.4.1. What & How