Anne of Green Gables Presentation by Emma Page

This is a template of the reading comprehension map for Ms. Moix's English class.

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Anne of Green Gables Presentation by Emma Page by Mind Map: Anne of Green Gables Presentation by Emma Page

1. Author

1.1. L.M. Montgomery

1.2. November 30, 1874- April 24, 1942

1.3. Canadian

1.4. About

2. Themes, Allusions & Symbols

2.1. Themes

2.2. Symbols

2.3. Allusion

3. Summary

3.1. Section 1

3.2. Section 2

3.3. Section 3

3.4. Section 4

4. General Info

4.1. 1908

4.2. Novel (realistic fiction)

4.3. English

4.4. Green Gables, Avonlea, Canada

5. Characters

5.1. Protagonist

5.2. Sidekick

5.3. Antagonist

6. Vocabulary

6.1. Section 1

6.1.1. Filmy

6.1.2. Jauntily

6.2. Section 2

6.2.1. Traipsing

6.2.2. regal

6.3. Section 3

6.3.1. arduous

6.3.2. procession

6.4. Section 4

6.4.1. Croup

6.4.2. Unregenerate

7. Plot

7.1. Anne was given to Matthew and Marilla.

7.2. Marilla doesn't want to keep Anne, but Matthew does.

7.3. Gilbert Blythe makes fun of Anne.

7.4. Gilbert asks for Anne's forgiveness, but she refuses.

7.5. Anne forgives Gilbert.

7.6. Gilbert and Anne become friends.