Howling Monkey
by lasandra taylor
1. Kills many organisms causing a loss of biodiversity
2. Causes deforestation and lots of pollution especially air
3. Deforestation
3.1. Causes an increas in carbon dioxide
3.2. Causes monkeys to lose precious habitat and die
3.3. Howling monkeys live in pack and need lots of space and because their habitat is being destroyed many are dying
4. Human Settlement/Development
5. Pollution
5.1. The rainforest absobs a lot of pollution like a buffer or pollution sink.
5.2. Most pollution is casued by people
5.3. Air pollution here has risen 38% due to the massive amounts of carbon dioxide
6. Global Warming
6.1. Causes insufficient rainfall which is needed in order to thrive
6.2. Causes photosynthesis to decline causing an increase in carbon dioxide and many plants to die
6.2.1. Carbon Dioxide causes irregular temperatures and air pollution