Meeting of the Minds Wiki

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Meeting of the Minds Wiki by Mind Map: Meeting of the Minds Wiki

1. Contacts

1.1. Have a section where attendees can post their school, content specialty, email, twitter handle etc so that others can reach out and connect

2. The schedules

2.1. There would be a page that has an agenda that lists when the MoM events will take place. There will also be detailed schedules that are available.

3. Page for each Meeting of the Mind

3.1. Have a live stream set up for each Meeting of the Mind

3.1.1. each break out room would be streamed live and recorded through ustream. There would be a video for each breakout room embedded on the page for that particular MoM.

3.2. A backchannel using Twitter

3.2.1. using the hashtag #ntnminds10 there could be a conversation taking place during each MoM so that folks outside of the event can follow along and contribute to the stream while archiving the actual event

3.3. An idea Google Doc

3.3.1. on each MoM page there would be a place for everyone to contribute/record the ideas that develop during MoM.

3.4. Resources

3.4.1. add either social bookmarking tag roll or a text box where links can be housed so to be referenced later.