where to find thesis topic

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where to find thesis topic by Mind Map: where to find thesis topic

1. Courses

1.1. Human resource management

1.1.1. Job analysis

1.2. Mini thesis

1.3. Accounting

1.3.1. Banking system

2. Interested areas

2.1. Human resource management area

2.2. Professional buyer

2.3. Brand management

2.4. Game industry

3. Private relations

3.1. Family owned company

3.2. The company that my brother is working in

3.3. The company that close friends are working in, so I would get information

4. Establishment of my own business

4.1. Also related to the area that I am interested in

4.2. Business plan for the idea

5. Work

5.1. Previous work experience

5.1.1. My parents' company

5.2. Potential job in the summer

5.2.1. Bank in China