Thesis company&topic

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Thesis company&topic by Mind Map: Thesis company&topic

1. Private connections

1.1. Parents' work places

1.2. Friends experiences/ideas

1.3. Other acquaintances

2. Own workplaces

2.1. Internships

2.2. Summer jobs

2.3. University and extra curriculum activities organizations

3. Courses from relevant area

3.1. Marketing courses

3.2. Mini thesis

4. Areas of interest

4.1. Food industry

4.2. Gaming companies

4.3. Event organizing

5. Projects

5.1. Joulumessut

5.2. International day

6. Other

6.1. Exchange period

7. Internet open search

7.1. Look for existing thesis topics

7.2. Find list of potential thesis topics

7.2.1. Use your native Internet pages