Shelby's Philosophy of Education

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Shelby's Philosophy of Education by Mind Map: Shelby's Philosophy of Education

1. History of U.S. Education

1.1. Most Influential Educational Era: Equality Era (1945-1980)

1.1.1. 1954- Brown VS Board of Education Later repealed in 1896 Plessy VS Ferguson the ruling desecrated schools

1.1.2. 1972- Title XI against the desegregation of gender

1.1.3. 1975- Disabled students will be admitted to public education

1.2. Other Historical Points

1.2.1. 1855 the first kindergarten class is available

1.2.2. 1896 Plessy VS Ferguson Separate but equal

1.2.3. 2002 No Child Left Behind State wide assessments state wide assesments

2. Philosophy of Education

2.1. Key Researchers

2.1.1. John Dewey, William Kilpatrick, Francis Parker

2.2. Goal Of Education

2.2.1. Student's personal growth and interest are most important, pragmatists believe that people should find a process that works to achieve a certain goal, George Counts and Theodore Brameld views schools as the upward vehicles for improving and changing society.

2.3. Role of the Teacher

2.3.1. Student centered, teacher can write a curriculum that can be amalgamated in all of the subjects, teacher can encourage and question the course of study, teacher has to be prepared to have a back up lesson plan.

2.4. Method of Instruction

2.4.1. learning by group work and individual work, KWLs, Inquiry method, using hands on projects and are action orientated and very experimental

2.5. Curriculum

2.5.1. Curriculum is based on what the students want to know, it encourages support from working with known information and then going to unknown information.

3. Schools as Organizations

3.1. State Senator- Bill Holtzclaw

3.2. House of Rep- Mo Brooks

3.3. State Superintendent- Tommy Bice

3.4. Rep. on State School Board- Mary Scott Hunter

3.4.1. Local City Superintendent- Trey Holiday Local County Superintendent- Thomas Sisk School Board- Chair- Earl Glaze Marty Adams Anthony Hilliard Bret McGill Charles Shoulders Edward Winton

3.4.2. Local School Board- Pres.- Russell Johnson

3.4.3. VP- Beverly Malone

3.4.4. Chris Paysinger

3.4.5. Jennifer Manville

3.4.6. James Lucas

3.4.7. Scott Henry

3.4.8. Tim Green

4. Sociological Perspectives

4.1. Mobility was linked to a tournament because the "winners" were allowed to move on to the next round or grade level.

4.2. employment- students that graduate will lead to greater opportunities for jobs.

4.3. knowledge plays an important role on students because the more they know the more they are likely to use that learning material

4.4. Theory is an integration of all known principles, laws, and information pertaining to a specific area of study.

4.5. schools play an important role in promoting gender roles with sterotypes

4.6. schools, parents, churches, and other groups shape children perceptions of the world by the process of socialization

5. Curriculum and Pedagogy

5.1. The curriculum of a progressivist is focused on the needs and interest of students because of the idea that the students are more important than the curriculum,

5.2. democratic personal and social values are factors for the idea of a progressivist.

5.3. existentialist believe that the idea of students are defining themselves through personal choice.

5.4. the goal for an existentialist is heavily based on the humanities and their wide-awakeness

5.5. different practices are based on different groups of students such as class, race, ethnicity, and gender

5.6. Curriculum should be based on the needs and interest of students to help them gain more knowledge of the world around them.

6. Equality of Oppurtunity

6.1. high social class is related to higher achievements. students in the lower class have disadvantages so profound that there is little hope of altering their lives.

6.2. students origins have a significant impact on their destination whether it is thought about or not

6.3. gender differences with education have decreased in the past 20 years but men still have advantages over women.

6.4. it is difficult to relate class to race but there are many factors that play a role. studies show that minorities have lower test scores and receive fewer educational opportunities.

6.5. students have different educational experiences based on their social class and achievement is directly related to social class

6.6. people discriminate based on their families class, race, and gender.

7. Educational Inequality

7.1. Higher class communities are able to spend for their students than that or poor communities

7.2. some factors with school centered reviews are school financing, school research, and curriculum and pedagogy between schools.

7.3. school centered research was based on both schools and people within schools.

7.4. there are two different views of unequal educational achievement, student centered and school centered.

7.5. student centered showed research that stated there are more differences in academics among students in the same school with students in different schools.

7.6. factors include genetic differences, cultural deprivation, and cultural differences.

8. Educational Reform

8.1. Trying to help connect the school, community, and social reforms helped gain leadership.

8.2. Supplemental programs were put into place in 1998. ex. preschools, and summer schools.

8.3. School based reforms were based on school choice.

8.4. The federal government placed two reforms in the 2000s. NCLB and Race to the Top

8.5. In the early 1990s, the federal government set 6 goals for improving education

8.6. 1. all students start school ready to learn. 2 the high school graduation rate would increase 90%. 3. students will leave grades 4, 8, and 12 after demonstrating competency in challenging subject matter. 4. students will be first in the world in math and science achievement. 5. every adult will be literate and show skills necessary to compete in the economy. 6. every school in America will be drug and violence free.

8.7. After these were applied 4 themes were put into place: 1. creating better and more accountable schools for today's students. 2. creating new generation of American schools for tomorrow's students. 3. transforming America into a nation of students. and 4. making our communities where learning is possible.

9. Politics of Education

9.1. Neo-Liberal View

9.1.1. Diane Ravitch's Left Back (2000)

9.1.2. Bush's NCLB (2001) student achievement tests

9.1.3. 5 areas of educational policy 1. Austerity 2. The Market Model 3. Individualism 4. State Intervention 5. Economic prosperity, race, and class

9.2. Traditional & Progressive View

9.2.1. Traditional Values hard work family unity individual initiative

9.2.2. Progressive Values vehicle for upward mobility development of individual potential