What I (think I) know about the Achievement Gap

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What I (think I) know about the Achievement Gap by Mind Map: What I (think I) know about  the Achievement Gap

1. Causes

1.1. Poverty cycle

1.1.1. Poor nutrition

1.1.2. Inequitable home support

1.1.3. More home responsibilities for low SES kids

1.2. Intervention programs

1.2.1. Poor criteria to determine if students need academic intervention

1.2.2. Poor intervention curriculum (students are often pulled out of art and even core classes in order to participate in intervention, which often does not have a research-based curriculum nor a highly talented teacher to begin with)

1.2.3. Disproportionate numbers of black and latino students compared to white students in these intervention programs

1.3. Low expectations

1.3.1. Lack of rigor

1.3.2. Deficit thinking

1.3.3. Non-college-going culture at schools

1.4. Racism

1.4.1. Teachers and community members (many times subconsciously) frightened of black and latino kids

1.4.2. Linguicism (discrimination based on the way people speak

1.4.3. School faculty and community's lack of knowledge about non-white culture or values

1.4.4. Discipline inequities Disastrous discipline plans (student doesn't behave in school because of problems at home/struggling at school-->make them stay out of school and provide little to know academic help I don't remember the exact statistics, but I know that black and latino students are MUCH more likely to be suspended or expelled than their white peers. Contributes to drop-out rates Hinders academic growth Labels kids Deteriorates students' self esteem and view of themselves as academic scholars

1.4.5. School system's motive to protect their own, rather than discuss racist actions and beliefs by faculty

1.5. School funding based on property taxes

1.6. Culturally irrelevant curriculum and pedagogy

1.7. Tracking system (honors vs. regular classes)

1.7.1. Starts before school can level the playing field (i.e. as early as kindergarten-3rd grade)

1.7.2. Non culturally relevant tests

1.7.3. Higher quality teachers in honors classes, lower quality teachers in regular and intervention classes

1.8. Poor teacher/student relationships

1.9. Lack of school resources

1.10. Lack of knowledge of rights

1.10.1. IEP and 504 rights

1.11. High teacher turn-over of black, latino, and low SES students

1.12. Generations of disenfranchised youth and families

2. Symptoms

2.1. Wide achievement gap between White and non-White students across the nation

2.1.1. The gap is largest between White students and Black male students

2.1.2. Disproportionate drop-out rates

2.1.3. Disproportionate discipline rates

2.2. The Consent Decree signed by Unit 4 schools in 2002

2.3. Lack of diversity in professional workspaces

2.4. Lack of diversity in universities

3. Solutions

3.1. Culturally relevant pedagogy

3.1.1. Descriptive rather than prescriptive grammar

3.1.2. Representation of non-White artists, scholars, and historical figures

3.1.3. Including family and community members in lessons

3.2. Strong relationships with students

3.3. Programs like AVID?

3.4. Affirmative Action? (is this a symptom? or a solution? in other words, does Affirmative Action solve a problem or band-aid over the roots of the problem, which start long before kids are university age? Perhaps both)