Soctratic Dialogue
by stephanie small
1. T: What is justice? The intrest of the stronger.
1.1. S: What does stronger mean?
1.1.1. T: Interest of the stronger ruler. S: What if the ruler makes a bad ruler? Actually leads to injustice.
2. E: Prosecuting the evil.
2.1. S: Genetic definition of the concept holiness, piety.
2.1.1. E: What is loved by the gods. S: The gods disagree. E: The Gods love justice.
3. Meno
3.1. Three ways to aquire virtue: 1) teaching 2) practice 3) nature
3.2. Meno: Definition of Virtue: virtue is the power of governing mankind.
3.2.1. Problems: 1) slaves 2) kids 3) nothing about justice
3.3. Socrates Definition: anamnecis, the recollection of truth
3.4. Meno's Definition: virtue is the desire of things honorable and the power of attaining them
3.4.1. S: eliminate ignorance