dimensions of meme-authoring software

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dimensions of meme-authoring software by Mind Map: dimensions of meme-authoring software

1. UI design orientation

1.1. three-pane view

1.2. tree browser

1.3. timeline

1.3.1. timeline map horizontal plurk vertical twitter

1.4. canvas

1.5. text-page

2. read vs write

2.1. intended for browsing

2.2. intended for searching

2.3. intended for authoring

3. single-user vs collaborative

3.1. sharing-oriented or not?

3.2. time granularity

3.2.1. exclusive lock

3.2.2. wiki last-edit-wins

3.2.3. slow realtime google docs

3.2.4. fast realtime google wave

3.2.5. superfast realtime etherpad subethaedit

4. network-dependent vs offline-capable

4.1. google gears

5. cloud-synchronized vs fragile

5.1. IMAP vs POP

6. time-aware vs achronous display

7. mouse-heavy vs keyboard-heavy

8. content type

8.1. music

8.2. video

8.3. diagram

8.4. photograph

8.5. mixed media

8.6. text

9. graphical UI vs CLI

10. maximalist vs minimalist

10.1. emacs vs vi

10.2. ommwriter vs word

11. opensource vs closed

12. revenue model

12.1. freeware charity hobbyist

12.2. advertising supported

12.3. pay for software

12.3.1. shareware

12.3.2. upfront

12.4. pay for subscription

13. extension-friendly

13.1. install your own

13.2. package manager system

13.3. app store

14. history recorded and searchable

14.1. Google Toolbar records browsing history

14.2. evernote is full-text indexed

14.3. OS X and Vista full-text index the computer

15. multi-modal vs uni-modal

15.1. lightroom's 5 modes

16. audience specification: how does the author describe the reader?

16.1. in email, we have To/CC/BCC

16.2. in voip, etc, we have usernames

16.3. public

16.4. unshared – i am the only audience

17. push or pull protocol

18. asynchronous vs synchronous interaction with correspondents

19. community features: ranking, reputation

19.1. stackexchange

19.2. digg

20. tagging or folders?

21. evidence of participation within a community of discourse

22. support for anonymity

22.1. browsers support private browsing

22.2. why not private writing?

23. context support for threading, back-links and citations

24. rights management

24.1. this email may be blogged or reposted: ask first / yes / no

25. federated vs concentrated

25.1. federated

25.1.1. email

25.2. hybrid

25.3. concentrated

25.3.1. facebook